These brief stress audit case studies from PGA Group Consulting Psychologists show how the presence and the effects of stress at work were identified, addressed and relieved to the benefit of three organizations and their people.
Several links to resources on this site, including an overview of the stress audit method and process are provided after the stress audit case studies below.
Jump down to: Introduction | Company A | Company B | Company C | Lessons | Links
The stress audit is an important stress management diagnostic process which combines organizational development survey methods with sophisticated stress tests and stress testing techniques.
The stress audit’s purpose is primarily to identify stress symptoms and stress causes in the workplace, how individuals are coping with stress and managing stress at work, and how possibly to improve the work environment and /or the organization in such a way as to reduce stress levels and the negative effects of stress, improve satisfaction and well-being, and improve organizational and individual performance.
In short, as these stress audit case studies will show, the stress audit can show organizations and individuals how to deal with stress in the workplace.
All the organizations discussed in these stress audit case studies were able to relieve stress at work by bringing stress under control through the use of a stress audit. The organizations brought about positive change in the workplace for the benefit of their people and for their own benefit.
Stress Audit Case Study A
This stress audit case study is about Company A, a 100-year-old UK manufacturing organization. The company employs 15,000 people and operates on 50 sites. It primarily supplies the agricultural machinery markets.
The company set itself the objective of pulling itself out of a stagnant loss-making situation and to regain market dominance.