L = f(l (leader), gm (group member), s (situation))
Motivation: Think of maslow's hierarchy
- socioemotional
- psychological
- material
1 Food, water, air
2 Shelter, security
3 love and belonging
4 prestige and glory, status
5 self-actualization
Leader: nature vs nurture dobrin or Birth order Socialization Exemplary leadership: Model the way Inspire a shared vision Challenge the process (improve quality) Enable others to act (making new leaders or bringing leaders to light) .. Not hogging the light, but bringing leaders to act (founder's syndrome) (should give ppl chance to lead) Encourage the heart (values, ethics, psycho-social well-being of ppl in organizations) (anxiety, anger, how ppl have been treated) Think abt other, value others.
Conception of leadership:
Person at the front
Person in the center approaches (steve jobs: tell ppl what they want, show them)
Person as part of the team
Person in center (not connected but protected)
A team is any group of people organized to work together interdependently and cooperatively to achieve a goal or task.
Groups vs teams
Group: number of people
Team: group of people with synergistic effect
Kinds of leaders
Solo vs team leader
Consensus is the agreement process where outcome is crafted that best meets the needs of the group
Synthesizing the wisdom of the whole.
Heart of consensus is cooperative intent.
Is not unanimous agreement, but is open and collaborative debate.
Effective facilitator
Helps gather experience of whole group, in group usually 1 or 2 people dominate, consensus brings out voice among others.
Consensus builds relationships because allows people to be open with each other.
Consensus agreement needs less enforcement.
Key ingredients:
- successful facilitation (leader understand ppl, summarize dialogue, find common grounds)
- participation (80+%) CONSENSUS NOT