Nicholas Axtman
Patrick Blessinger
Leadership Themes
The Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment is a great way for a leader to find out more about their leadership strengths. If answered honestly a person can discover their leadership personality, and (if they don’t like the results) learn where they need to improve to reach their goal as a leader. I thought this was a great assessment, and felt the results fit me rather accurately; even if some of my strengths came as a surprise.
Everyone has their own opinion of themselves, and I was no different. When I first looked over the 34 strength list [ (Tom Rath, 2008) ] on page 101 I automatically started making assumptions. The top five strengths I thought I would fall under where: achiever, adaptability, communication, competition, and strategic. Believing these best fit skills of leaders in the military, and from my experiences I’ve had; I was sure these were going to be the ones.
Two of the 5 I had picked ended up on the list: Communication, and competition. A person strong in communication theme “generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words. They are good conversationalists and presenters.” [ (Tom Rath, 2008) ] Some strong in the competition theme is exactly that; a competitor. “Measuring their progress against the performance of others; and they strive to win first place and revel in contests.”
The three that were not expected to be at the top of my strengths are: belief, deliberative, and self-assurance. Though I didn’t expect them to be at the top of my list; after reading their descriptions I understood how they fit my leadership traits. A person strong in belief “has certain core values that are unchanging.” [ (Tom Rath, 2008) ] “Out of these values emerges a defined purpose for their life.” A deliberative leader “best described by the serious care they take in making decisions or choices. They anticipate the obstacles.” [ (Gallup Inc.,