Wherever you work in the health care setting whether it is in a hospital, service users home or a care home… you and your employer are covered by the act Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (1974) This act is put in place so employers can moderate practice and the health, safety and welfare at work of their employees. To be protected as a worker it can also mean someone who is paid to work or who works voluntarily who still needs to be protected. The law made by parliament is there to stop you from injuring yourself at work or to minimalize the risks as much as you can and they also try to stop you from becoming ill because of …show more content…
The residence had a high turnover of staff with less than the legal limit in terms of the staff. Which residents who requires support with personal care are waiting long periods by themselves. Some residents remained without a bath or shower for two to three days, causing distress and some cases, worsening of a skin condition. This would be a safeguarding issue because the residents are not getting the care they need and they aren’t protected as there isn’t enough staff. This issue should have been raised and someone should have been passed on to someone of higher authority or The Care Quality Commission. There should be a number limit to however many residents, this is so they can protect them, care for them and if they need help with something they can provide it, which the residence is showing abuse and