|Name: |Tutor: |Length of Lesson: 40 |TP No. 4 |
|Day & Date: Wed 15th Feb 12 |Level: P.I. |No.of Students: | |
Main Aims: Language Point - tenses present perfect and past simple using ‘for’.
The main aim of the lesson is to:
Teach the use of for in two tenses: present perfect and past simple, in the context of short text about the teacher’s life.
So that by the end of the lesson, the learners can…..
Understand and use the present perfect and past simple with ‘for’ in their written and spoken form.
Subsidiary aims:
Reading, writing, developing fluency.
|Anticipated problems: |Solutions/intended action: |
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|Lesson does not run to time |Keep an eye on the time and keep the pace of the lesson brisk. |
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| |Be clear and concise when giving instructions |
|Instructions are not understood by SS | |
| |Monitor closely and correct. |
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|SS may use the wrong form of the verb with the tense. | |
| |Make sure the teach