Task 1.
As you are aware we work to the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012, The framework states that “Multi-agency working is a key part of the framework that is designed to deliver improved outcomes for all children in their learning and development” and as an Early Years setting we have a responsibility to help the children in our care achieve the outcomes of the UK government initiative Every Child Matters - Be healthy, Stay safe, Enjoy and achieve through learning, Make a positive contribution to society and Achieve economic well being. You should recognise the logo below that we have displayed in our setting.

Whilst we do everything we can to achieve these outcomes, it is important that we contact and utilise other professionals help when required. This is where multi agency and integrated working comes in to effect.
Multi agency working is when a variety of professionals, practitioners and services from several areas of expertise, work together co-operatively with the needs of the child and their family being their priority. Please see the grid below detailing the types of agencies/professionals that we are likely to work with in relation to multi agency working and their roles. Integrated working focuses on enabling and encouraging these professionals to work together effectively to ensure that children and young people who need additional support have exactly the right professionals needed to support them.
By working together children and their families who require extra support in any area of development will have the support network in place that they may need, different practitioners provide different ideas, skills and knowledge, all the people involved will have a variety of experience in whatever support is needed and these different perspectives provide the understanding required to organise and implement development plans. These plans are