The title of this project is "Library management System". The main purpose of LMS to mange library daily operation efficiently. I develop this database for my previous school "Sutnga Pressbyterian Higher Secondary School " for the library because they are operating and maintaining their record manually and it difficult to access and view the daily record of a member and books. It was a heavy work for the staff to complete their task daily. The document and file they keep record is not secure it may get spoil and lost at any time. This project is concerned with developing a LMS using database application. In this system the library management becomes more efficient and easier to handle a problem facing in library. It gives the complete information about the library. We can issue the books to the member and maintain their records and can also check how many books are issued and stock available in the library. In this project we can maintain the late fine of students who returns the issued books after the due date. The report generation facility of library system helps to get a good idea of which are the books borrowed by the members, make possible to generate reports' hard copy. A database is there to store the user details & book details. Anyone can search the system using given specifications & the availability of the books are updated by the librarian immediately.
There are some problems in operation, which can be state in documentation. There are: -
i) The number of hours the library can get from the librarian: The library have limited hours to complete manage all the library job.
ii) The average time in order to process a case of the new books: The librarian needs to misspend time in proper to manage of the book items along with the details like the titles of the book, the publisher's and author's name, edition and whether that book is available for issue purpose. The Library Management System