A library is an institution that makes items such as books, videos, records and available to borrowers for a limited period of time. The borrowers will return the item to the library after this limited period of time and the item may subsequently be lent to other borrowers. Sometimes the item is not locally available, but may be remotely borrowed from a collaborating library. When an item is acquired from a remote library, the home library acts as a borrower in relation to the remote library.
Lemnahis is one of the institutions which are still using the manual system. The librarian of the staff is responsible for the monitoring of the log in/logout of the students and the borrowing and returning of the books. They are also responsible for the lost books and it is difficult for them to trace who lost the books or who did not returned it on the time.
A computerized Library System of Lemnahis is designed to help them effectively do their daily transactions and use a system that is user friendly and less human effort.
The study answers how St. Anthony College can put up a computerized library system in doing transactions with their clienteles. Specifically this study purports to answer the following questions:
1. What are the outputs needed in the system in order for the librarian to easily retrieve/access the data if needed?
2. What are the inputs needed in the system in order for the students/staff/visitors to be able to login/logout when entering and borrowing books?
3. What are the information and data needed to put up a computerized library system of JJLJMNHS?
OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The main objective of this research is to create a program for computerized library system for the institution to provide a good and easy access to all files of the library when needed. This system can be used to find books when there are borrowers. It is also use for the login/logout policy of