There has been many events that have impacted my life. Some have been good and some have been bad. Some of these events have had a greater impact on my life than others. One of the events that has had the greatest impact in my life was when I got in a bike accident. This is the event that has impacted me the most because it was the most frightening event of my life. It was one day when I was making my way to the park for basketball practice. I was riding my new mongoose bike that I had bought a couple of weeks ago. I was half way to the park when my friend called me telling me to hurry up because I was already late and if I wasn’t there in less than five minutes he was going to make me run 20 laps. So I hanged up and started speeding to try to make it in less than five minutes.
When I was a block away from the park I was going approximately 40 or 45 mph when I came to this stop sign so I tried stopping but when I did that the wheels slipped and I lost total control over the bike. When I fell from the bike I slipped and hit a car that was parked. I remember bleeding from my nose and mouth and I had also got a bump on my head. I seen my bike flipped all the way across the street and hit 2 cars that were parked. When I was still in the floor 2 guys that were passing by helped me get up and helped me get my bike out which was stuck under both cars. They both had really bad damages. One of the cars had a really deep dent in the back bumper and the other one also had one in the front bumper.
When I took out my bike it only had a minor scratch on the frame but everything else was still good. At that moment I didn’t know what to do so I just got on my bike and went home. When I got home I cleaned up all the blood I had and went to tell my parents what had just happened. After that day they didn’t let me go to the park for a couple of weeks because they thought I might get on another accident.
This event really impacted my life because this