Linsey Fadiga is currently second year Law student at Edinburgh Napier university. She has an interest commercial and employment law. She currently volunteers at her university law clinic.
What is commercial awareness? And how do I get it?
What is commercial awareness?
Commercial awareness is being up to date and understanding what is happening in the business and legal market. It is about understanding different factors that affect a business’ success and taking a more commercial outlook on certain situations.
Why do law firms require it?
Law firms look for commercially aware candidates to relate to clients and to not only have legal knowledge and solutions but to make decisions based on commercial factors. They expect candidates to have some knowledge on how a business runs, their competitors …show more content…
It can help you understand what is going on in businesses. If you are not used to reading newspapers at first it will seem boring, confusing and long among other things. However, once it becomes a habit, you will begin to understand the different areas of businesses and their issues.
Working or volunteering
Even having a job can help you improve your commercial awareness. It will help you understand how a business works and you will see how a business deals issues. You can gain commercial awareness by working any job it does not have to be in the legal sector.
Having summer placements or internships can also be valuable when it comes to understanding commercial awareness as you experience first-hand what it is like to run a business, how your role plays a part in the functioning of the business etc. You can also ask your colleagues or business professionals questions to deepen your understanding.
Questions you could ask or think about:
What is the organisation and what services do they