
Literary Analysis Essay On Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Literary Analysis Essay On Animal Farm By George Orwell
In the book, Animal Farm by George Orwell, the animals of Manor Farm rebel against the human trant Mr.Jones so the animals live and prosper on their own under the new name Animal Farm. But amidst this civilization a tyrant raises to power among the animals and takes complete control over the farm along with his fellow kin. He is a pig and this is why the pigs are more superior to the other animals. They always sit front and center, and a pig influenced the rebellion, almost a leader. The pigs do no work while the animals do, and they become humans which are on their own, higher beings.
This bit of evidence might not seem like a likely argument, but Old Major is seen as higher, along with the other pigs.The fact that Old Major sat up on a platform almost foreshadowed a pig taking over. The text states,”At one end of the barn, on a sort of raised platform, Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw, under a lantern hung from a beam.” (pg. 4) The text also says,”...and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in
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They are so smart that they realize that the other animals aren’t as fast as they are intellectually to keep up. Even before Napoleon becomes leader there is evidence, as the text states,”The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others. With their superior knowledge it was natural that they should assume the leadership.”(pg.27-28) Then, later in the text, it states that,” All year the animals worked like slaves.” (pg. 59) This shows the division of work on the farm. The animals, excluding the pigs did all the work, yet it is said in the text that the pigs received more food than the other animals, simply because they have to think. This proves that the pigs see themselves as higher than the other

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