In both the movie and the book, people live in fear everyday of their lives. In the movie the people from the districts live in fear from President Snow, the games, and each other. Kids between the age 12 and 18 are put in a reaping, thrown into an arena, have to survive in horrible conditions, and have to fight to the death. In the book, a group of boys live in fear from the beast, Jack, themselves, and maybe never getting rescued. Besides the similarities
in how people live in fear, there are also similarities in how they are grouped in the two stories.
Both stories have a similar group. In the movie the group called the careers, who are trained to hunt and kill the weaker tributes in the games. The book has a similar group called the hunters. The hunters are the boys out of the group who hunt and kill pigs for meat, but it becomes an issue as the boys become more violent, until they get to the point of killing not only pigs, but each other. In both stories there are similar groups, but they are also similar in the overall message.
Sometimes people are willing to sacrifice others in order to keep their lives peaceful. Sadly in society this can be true, and this is the message that can be found in both stories. In The Hunger Games, President Snow sacrifices kids to keep the people living in fear and keeping them from rebelling. In Lord of the Flies, Jack kills Simon and Piggy to keep the boys from going back to ralph, who is actually the good kid. This message is in both stories but presented in different ways.
In conclusion, The Hunger Games and Lord of the flies are similar in some ways such as, situation, characters, and overall message. The two stories are alike but not the same. even though they share some qualities they still have completely different stories. The Hunger Games and Lord of the Flies are written in over 50 years apart from each other, and are both just as great stories, in their own, somewhat similar, kind of way.