hen we were young, marketing to teens and young adults was really rather easy. We, Generation Xers true to type, were eager to tune ourselves to global brands and de nitely wanted to start our yuppie careers in a famous multinational. The big corporations radiated the proof of the ultimate success. Just imagine... when we were 16 we’d be able to buy those big cool brands ourselves! And that’s exactly what all brands were shouting at us. Buy us and you will be so cool! And oh yes, we loved it... we even believed it. Brands were projecting cool and aspiring images in their ads. They were setting the goals we all desired to achieve. They dictated how to dress, behave, walk and talk. We didn’t doubt for a minute what the marketers were telling us. We even adored TV commercials, because we were the rst generation to grow up with commercial stations and it was all so new and glamorous to us. Like forbidden fruit. Our parents and grandparents gave us an allowance from time to time and we all spent it hastily on Depeche Mode or Talking Heads vinyl records, just saving enough to buy a pair of Docs or All-Stars and some hair gel. Today, things have dramatically changed. This youth generation has been bombarded with commercial messages from their birth. They have learned to lter out all those loud messages and they have been empowered by their parents and teachers to have an opinion of their own and never merely believe whatever somebody is proclaiming. But the global brands are still there. So are the commercial media. And there must be countless times more choice of both. Instead of new wave or synthpop records Gen Yers can choose and mix dozens of music genres at last.fm or iTunes, and what brand of gel, wax, clay, gum, spray, whip, cream-mousse, pomade, paste, texturizer, balm or lotion will they use to style their haircut tonight? To survive in the current cluttered and fragmented environment, today’s teens and
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adolescents use collective peer wisdom and social connections. They believe what their best friends and parents are telling them and selfconsciously want to explore what roads they should take. And what are brands to do now? Shouting how cool they are isn’t working anymore, that’s for sure. Brands have lost their role model or oracle status. Whispering might be an option, but you still need to convince the con dent teen to remove his white iPod earplug and bother to listen to you instead of to all the other teen whisperers. The main point is that you have to earn youth’s respect, before you can even start the conversation about your brand. This book is all about connecting with a new generation who will determine how consumer markets evolve in the next three decades. Although Generation Y still embraces cool brands, the ones that just claim they are cool, won’t even reach their radar. It takes a great deal of effort to be cool and to stay hot for this consumer group. In working with media and advertisers in our day-to-day jobs, we have often experienced some insecurity in addressing youth markets. Of course, the pressure for marketers is high when they have to deal with the most marketing-savvy generation of teens and 20-year-olds ever. The huge number of competitors that join them in trying to convince this age cohort heightens the stress levels and kindles the battle between brands in youth markets. U nfortunately, this rat race often ends in a brand’s mere sur ng on youth fads and hypes. Many research agencies seem to have limited their youth insights to trendwatching and coolhunting. Although a youth brand needs to be aware of what’s hot and what’s not, just to stay in touch with its environment, we believe that there’s much more to the equation. C reating brands that touch their hearts implies a true knowledge of the underlying youth drivers and needs. In this book, we will explain the ve key attributes of successful youth brands to you. Together they form the acronym C R U SH: C oolness; R ealness; U niqueness; Self-identi cation with the brand; and Happiness. E ach of these traits is the main topic of a chapter in this book. The C R U SH brand leverage model is based on ve years of intensive
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I ntroducti on
youth research and consulting grounded in a daily connection with 13- to 29-year-olds. By optimizing your brand’s performance with regard to the ve characteristics of engaging youth brands, your brand too will enjoy an uplift in terms of satisfaction, peer-to-peer promotion (conversations about your brand) and purchase preference. We have illustrated our youth brand vision with inspiring case stories from the past as well as the present including Sony Playstation, Axe/ Lynx, Vans, Q uicksilver, R ed Bull, Levi’s, Doctor Martens and many more. The C R U SH model was tried and tested through new international research as well as interviews with global marketing executives of successful brands such as Jack & Jones, N okia, H& M, N ike, G-Star, C oca-C ola, and Tommy Hil ger. If you’re not working for a global and mainstream brand, it might be relatively easy to become cool for a while for parts of Gen Y. But the marketers and brands we have interviewed have managed to stay relevant for the entire youth market year after year. On the other hand, we have also inserted a number of ‘ unusual suspects’, not-for-pro t organizations connecting with youth in a low budget yet very effective way. A few examples include the Swedish Armed Forces and C ancer Society of Finland. We rst kick off this book by debunking some Millennial myths and explaining how this generation differs from others. What are the speci c characteristics of adolescents that will affect the way they connect with brands today? The impact of our vision on youth branding is explained in the second chapter, as an introduction to the subsequent parts that will deconstruct each of the ve C R U SH dimensions. The third chapter explores what being cool means for a brand. Is it necessary to be cool and is it possible to become a cool brand in every product category? In C hapter 4 on real brands we will prove that brand authenticity really makes a difference for the critical Generation Y. But being authentic means completely different things for Gen Yers than for other generations. Gen Yers are on a mission to become special or unique. That’s why they are also looking for unique brands that help them to stand out. But how do you make your brand unique in a post-modern world full of choice? The fth chapter tackles this subject. C ontrary to previous generations, Gen Yers were brought up in an atmosphere of equal relationships and co-decision making and
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that’s exactly what they expect from brands today. This also means that brands should have a better knowledge of the values, interests and opinions of different youth lifestyle groups. The new consumer combines brands in an eclectic way to express his/ own individual her identity. In C hapter 6 we will fully delve into the topics of identity development and self-identi cation with brands. Today’s youth generation is more emotional than ever. The last chapter deals with the way brands can offer them magic moments and arouse feelings of happiness. Although in marketing there are never one-size- ts-all solutions, we are con dent you will recognize the brand attributes that might need focus in your own market approach. Perhaps this book will even confront you with the blind spots in your current offer. By reading this summary of our ndings, you will explore the Generation Y world. You will understand why the ve brand components are essential for Gen Y and how your brand can tap into them. We know that trying to capture the mindset of an entire generation is quite a vain endeavour. And although the world and this generation are more globalized than ever, we still feel it would be a bad idea to generalize too much. But we hope that by sharing our passion to understand and connect with these mind-blowing consumers, we will challenge you to develop relevant youth strategies and brands. Although the real difference will be made in your own creative marketing approach, we trust this book will help you to get a better grip on this fast-moving target group without losing your brand’s identity in the next small trend. After all, it’s all about staying true to your roots, but adapting to the changing environment and constantly nding new angles to keep this stimulus-oriented and emotional youth on board. We wish you an inspiring and exciting journey and look forward to hearing your feedback and thoughts via www.howcoolbrandsstayhot.com. Last, but not least, on behalf of The Staying Alive Foundation we would like to thank you for buying this book. A quarter of the book’s royalties are donated to the global HIV/ AIDS charity that empowers young people. You can read more about the Foundation at the end of the book.
Joeri Van den Bergh and Mattias Behrer
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Chapter O ne Defi ning Generation Y
oday’s youth are getting the most out of their lives. Youngsters do recognize that they are raised in an af uent world ooded with choices. For most of them, the question is not how to get something but rather what to choose. In this highly competitive society, brands realized that they had to increase marketing investments to be heard above the noise of the advertising clutter. Generation Y is not only aware of being marketed to but has grown up in an environment full of brands and commercial media; it’s all they have ever known. The rise of digital media allowed youth to create their own personalized world. They are able to live their lives through new online and mobile communities. Today’s 13- to 25-year-olds grew up in a world where mobile phones for children and teens became commonplace and the internet was being used at school. They are so conditioned to use these internet, MP3 and mobile technologies that deprivation of one of them would feel like having a limb removed. The way youth socialize, build relationships, shop and make career choices is heavily affected by the era they have been raised in. There is an ancient saying that bears much truth: ‘ people resemble their times more than they resemble their parents’. Gen Yers are children of the cyber revolution. Just like the industrial revolution changed lifestyle and culture by the end of the 19th century, the omnipresent connectivity and digital advancement has reshaped the social DN A of our current and future youth generations.1 The oldest part of Generation Y is already entering the job market, getting married and becoming the heads of households. If you haven’t already targeted this cohort, now is an important time to introduce them to your brand.2 A better understanding of what makes young consumers tick will improve your brand positioning and marketing to the target group. Whatever business you are in, this generation will
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make or break your market success. The long-term ourishing of your company depends on how well your brand strategy responds to the demand of this new consumer generation. In this chapter, we will dive into the characteristics of Generation Yers. More than half of the world’s population is under the age of 30. Gen Y is currently one of the largest demographic groups and will soon outnumber the Baby Boomer generation. In the U nited States alone, there are over 70 million Gen Yers with over $200 billion in purchasing power. Their generational impact on society, culture, business, politics and economics in the next three decades will be similar in magnitude to that of the Baby Boomer generation. We will indicate how the arrival of this new consumer group affects branding and marketing. Of course, there are as many differences within generations as there are among generations. It’s never a good idea to generalize too much, especially with a youth generation that has never been so ethnically and lifestyle diverse as today. Still, certain aspects of society and parenting will in uence the way your marketing and branding campaigns are perceived by young consumers.
WTF do you think you’re doing?
In the early years of the new millennium, peer-to-peer file sharing networks such as KaZaA and Napster were popular among youngsters for uploading and downloading MP3 files. When Madonna launched her April 2003 album American Life she decided to fight internet piracy. She flooded the file-sharing communities with digital decoys that looked like tracks from her new album but were actually recordings of her cursing and snarling at the illegal downloaders. Only a few days after the decoy files were released, new versions of Madonna’s a cappella started to pop up on the networks with new backing tracks and music underneath. Soon radio stations and clubs around the world were playing the many pirate remixes of Madonna’s unintended new single titled WTF. Dmusic.com started a competition to find the best version of WTF. Fifteen of the best illegal remixes were compiled and released on an album by an independent label. On 19 April 2003 Madonna’s official website was hacked and every real track from her new album was pinned to the homepage free for anyone to download. Across the homepage, the hacker posted a response to Madonna saying: ‘This is what the f**k I think I’m doing.’3
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X,Y,Z:three youth gener ons ati
Generational labels are usually the result of popular culture. Some are linked to a historic event, others are derived from drastic social or demographic changes or from a big turn in the calendar.
Millennials belong to the third category. The term refers to those born between 1980 and 1996, although different authors use different data. It is the rst generation to come of age in the new millennium. ‘ was chosen as a popular label as they are the successors of the Y’ Generation X, but there are many synonyms such as Generation Why, Generation Search, Generation N ext, the N et generation, the digital natives, the dot.com generation, the E instein generation, E cho Boomers, etc. They are the children of the throngs of Baby Boomer parents, which explains why there are so many in spite of the declining fertility rates. Baby Boomers gave birth at a later age (average mum aged 30) and were consequently more mature in their role as parents and tutors. They have raised their children as coaches with one central notion: individual empowerment. Gen Y children have been taught that all opinions are equally important. Boomers included the view of their children in every discussion or decision. Parents gave their Gen Y children the chance to learn and experience a lot of different things (in travel, sports, art, music... ). The result of this upbringing is that Gen Yers are more critical and cynical and generally dif cult to wow. As ‘ stimulus junkies’ they have a shorter attention span and an irrepressible need for instant grati cation. If they have an idea, they will immediately want to execute it. Their parents have served them hand and foot, and that is what they will expect in life, work and relationships too.
Generation X
Generation X consists of people who were born from 1965 to 1979. Other labels for this generation include:the Baby Busters, Post Boomers, Slacker Generation, indifferent, shadow or invisible generation and Lost Generation. Ironically, the Generation X label was popularized by Douglas C oupland’s book Generation X: tales for an accelerated
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culture describing a generation that actually de ed labels – ‘ just call us X’. N ot only did the label stick, it has also produced labels for the next two generations – Y and Z . Xers began their career in the early 1990s when there was a recession and much downsizing of the workforce. They adopted the work ethic and focus of the Boomers but were more individualistic and pessimistic.
Baby Boom ers
The Baby Boomers’ label is drawn from the post-Second World War spike in fertility that began in 1946 and ended in 1964 as a result of the commercial launch of birth control pills. They grew up in an era of economic growth and full employment. The austerity from the Silent Generation was replaced by technological advancement and increasing freedom and leisure time. Boomers have lived through years of incredible change and are therefore very adaptive and exible.4
The Silent Generation
The Silent Generation covers adults born from 1928 to 1945. They are the children of the Second World War and the Great Depression. Their ‘ silent’ label refers to conformist instincts and contrasts with the noisy anti-establishment Boomers.
Di erences betw een generations
Pew R esearch C enter found that the majority of generation members believe they own a unique and distinctive identity. In Table 1.1 you will nd the spontaneously uttered reasons of each generation for feeling distinctive. Although the previous youth generation X also cite technology as their generation’s source of distinctiveness, just 12 per cent (half the amount of Gen Yers) say this. For Generation Y, technology is more than just their gadgets; they have fused their social lives into it.5 In InSites C onsulting’s global social media study, more than 70 per cent of the 15- to 24-year-olds have created a prole on social networking sites, compared with 31 per cent of Boomers and less than 20 per cent of the Silent Generation.6 Of Gen Yers who use Facebook, 56 per cent visit the social network every day, compared to 47 per cent of Gen Xers and 38 per cent of Baby Boomers.
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One third of Yers access the site using their mobile phone. Among Baby Boomers, this is a mere 13 per cent and it’s 24 per cent with Xers.7 Technology makes life easier for Millennials and is bringing family and friends closer together. On the other hand, if parents join Facebook and invite their son or daughter to become friends, this might lead to uncomfortable situations. Online confrontations between generations happen, especially because older generations are often unaware of the implicit social rules (tagging, wall postings, etc). Two young girls created MyParentsJoinedFacebook.com to collect screenshots of the awkward situations that happen when parents invade their online community and break the implicit rules of privacy or ‘ friending’. Or, as they sarcastically mention on the website: ‘ onC gratulations! Your parents just joined Facebook. Your life is of cially over.’8 For Boomers, work ethic is the most prominent identity claim, for the Silent Generation it is the Second World War and the Depression that makes them stand apart.9
TA B LE 1 .1
G en erati n Y o
What makes generations unique?
G en erati n X o Technology use (12%) Work ethic (11%) Conservative (7%) Smarter (6%) Respectful (5%) B o o m er Work ethic (17%) Respectful (14%) Values/moral (8%) ‘Baby boom’ (6%) Smarter (5%) S i en t l WWII/Depression (14%) Smarter (13%) Honest (12%) Work ethic (10%) Values/Morals (10%)
1 Technology use (24%) 2 Music culture (11%) 3 Liberal/tolerant (7%) 4 Smarter (6%) 5 Clothes (5%)
SO U RCE:Pew Research Center,J 2010. an
It’s not just technology that is shaping the personality of our youth, it’s actually also the other way around. If you reverse the direction of causality, it’s a perspective that helps in explaining technological
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evolutions. The Boomers were a generation that was very much concerned with self-suf ciency and they took the mainframe computers from their parents and turned them into personal computers in the 1980s, supporting individual work on everyone’s desk. Generation X took that individualism to a next level. They were interested in making money by buying low and selling high. Gen Xers introduced online auction sites such as eBay in the 1990s and they have boosted e-commerce in general. Today it is because of the social needs and the peer tethering of Generation Y as well as their high need for me-marketing that the web has turned into a network of social communities.10
Generation Z:the new kids on the block
And what about the generation following Gen Y? This new generation was born after 1996. They are the children of Generation X and still preschoolers and primary school children today. Hence, not much is known about them at this point. Some have called these children Generation Z as the normal alphabet successors of the Y and X Generations. You can be pretty sure we will see a bunch of new names popping up over the next years. Larry R osen of C alifornia State U niversity, has already coined ‘ iGeneration’ in his book R ew ired: U nderstanding the iGeneration and the W ay They Learn. The ‘ is i’ not only referring to the popular Wii and iPods but also to their need for customization and individualizing. Thanks to digital TV, they can watch whatever they want at any time, stop live television and fully customize their media consumption. They were born in a society in which constant connectivity and individual mobile devices are normal. They started using the computer mouse at the early age of 18 months. They don’t see technology as an instrument, for them it is just a part of life. The way this will affect their thinking and behaviour is not clear yet, but they will certainly adopt new learning styles focusing on knowing how to gain access to every piece of information, synthesizing it and integrating it into their life.11
H ow perm anent are generational characteristics?
A question often heard during speeches on Generation Y is: aren’t those youngsters just in a life stage, a mindset that they will outgrow
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when they age? Well, the answer is: N O! E xperience with previous generations such as Gen X has shown that the mindset of youngsters won’t change when they reach the age of 40. Generations do not change over time to look identical to their parents at the same adult age. A generation is a product of current times and obviously the technologies, media, social markers and events that uniquely shaped them. Values, attitudes and priorities set during youth will remain identical in the rest of their life.12
Facebook prom pts giant snow bal l fight in Washington DC
When in early February 2010 a snow blizzard covered the East coast of the U nited States, someone created a Facebook page inciting social network members to have a snowball fight near the White H ouse two days later. More than 2,000 people turned up to participate in the giant fight, causing unseen traffic problems in Washington DC. Live reporting of the fight could be followed on Twitter and on YouTube where more than 400 videos of the snowball fight were posted. Traditional media had much more trouble reporting the event with TV reporters being the ultimate target for the snowball throwers.13
The ten com m andm ents and seven deadl y si of Gen Y ns
At the end of 2009, MTV N etworks International conducted a large study to understand the values, hopes and dreams of young people in E urope. The study, named ‘ Youthopia’, made a snapshot of contemporary youth values. Seven thousand Gen Y participants (aged 16–34) from seven E uropean countries participated. In order to understand better how Gen Y values compare to those of previous generations, MTV N etworks International came up with a creative exercise that enabled participants to rewrite the Ten C ommandments and Seven Deadly Sins for the modern age. The rst key difference was that young people today stressed that their commandments should comprise a list of ‘ Dos’ rather than ‘ Don’ts’. It was also interesting to note that despite the global
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recession and reports of record youth unemployment, the hopes and dreams of young people remain surprisingly intact. Across E urope, their overall outlook and codes for living life were overwhelmingly positive. The Ten Commandments of Youth include: Have faith in yourself. R espect your parents. Be honest. Take responsibility for your own life. Live life to the full and be passionate. K eep your promises. Work hard to succeed but not to the detriment of others. Be tolerant of others’ differences. Be happy and optimistic, even in adversity. C reate, don’t destroy (yourself, others, the earth, values). The new Seven Deadly Sins include: R acism. Dishonesty. Bullying. Greed. Adultery. Anger. E nvy. Through an emphasis on understanding Gen Y values, Youthopia highlighted the inaccuracies that exist today in how young people are portrayed in the media versus how they see themselves. Oldfashioned stereotypes and terms such as lazy, rebellious, promiscuous, hedonistic and celebrity-obsessed have been replaced with industrious, optimistic, family and friend-focused, choosing conformity and respect.14
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A cause w i thout rebel the new s: parent –chid par gm l adi
Surprisingly, Pew R esearch C enter’s survey revealed that 79 per cent of the U S population believes there is a ‘ generation gap’ in society. This is 5 per cent higher than the 74 per cent that saw this gap in the roaring year 1969. But the modern gap is mostly about the different ways in which old and young are using technology. Only about a quarter of those surveyed saw con icts between young and old in the U nited States. Among today’s Generation Y, 52 per cent say becoming a good parent is one of the most important things in their life. That’s 10 per cent higher than youth in 1997 (Generation X). E ight out of ten youngsters applaud the classic ideal of getting married and starting a family.15 Gen Y get along well with their parents. They report fewer ghts with mum or dad than older adults say they had with their own parents when they were growing up.16 Six out of ten U S teens say their family eats dinner together at least four nights a week. E ighty- ve per cent identi es a parent – rather than a peer – as their best friend. Of these, 53 per cent call Mum their best friend versus 32 per cent who say it’s Dad.17
Little Em peror Syndrom e
For many parents of Gen Yers, getting their teen’s approval is the most important thing in their lives. They treat their children as friends rather than subordinates. A major explanation for this is that the average number of children per female has drastically dropped, while the divorce rates have gone up. Gen Y children get far more attention than previous latchkey-youth generations. It’s the Western variant of C hina’s ‘ Little E mperor Syndrome’. Parents project high hopes for a better future on their only child and turn him or her into the major focus of the family. As the family tree increasingly gets smaller (with fewer branches of brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles), the bonds between parent and child are strengthening. Moreover, Baby Boomer parents have shifted away from the traditional disciplinarian role as a reaction to their own relationship with their parents. Today’s parental environment is one of open democratic dialogue and negotiation, rather than con ict, rebellion and resistance. Twothirds of parents claim to ask the opinion of their children before
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making big decisions such as choosing holidays. According to parents, this openness is the glue to keep the family together and an investment in the future. Three-quarters of parents claim their relationship with their children is more open than the one their own parents had with them. Discipline has been replaced by tolerance. Today’s young people simply don’t need to be rebellious and dif cult anymore.18 U nilever has created DontFretTheSweat.com to help parents to navigate the many physical and emotional challenges their adolescents face. With community partners, they assembled a panel of experts who are giving advice on the educational website. The site is endorsed by three deodorant and antiperspirant brands of U nilever: Dove, Degree and campaign for real beauty’ also successfully connected Suave.19 Dove’s ‘ Millennials with their mums.
H elicopter parenting
Youngsters are often shielded from the realities of life. ‘ Helicopter parents’ increasingly try to protect their Gen Y children from growing up too quickly. They are called ‘ helicopters’ because they are always hovering to have a permanent view on what their children (even if they are older than 20) are doing and to manage their lives as a coach or manager. The mobile phone has become a new and indispensable body part of youth. A substantial 83 per cent of them sleep with their mobile phone turned on in their bed. The device has also received the function of an umbilical cord for their worried parents. Through texting and voice calls they are able to contact their children at any time and check on their safety. U nfortunately, in our discussion groups, the youngsters often admit they don’t pick up their phones if they see it’s their old folks.
Boom erang children
Parents are increasingly replacing monthly or weekly allowances with need-based money handouts. This change resulted in a ‘ want it now’ generation that is not learning the real world value of money and will take longer to live independently. The trend of young people delaying departure from the family home (‘ Hotel Mum and Dad’) has been boosted by the economic recession. It has also led to an increase in ‘ boomerang children’, returning to parental homes after a
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period of independent living. In 1980 in the U nited States, 11 per cent of the 25- to 34-year-olds were living with their parents. By 2008, this gure had risen to 20 per cent and according to the Pew survey, 10 per cent of young adults, aged 18 to 34, have moved back with their parents during 2009 because of the recession. The portion of 18- to 29-year-olds who live alone has declined to 7.3 per cent in 2009, compared to 7.9 per cent in 2007.20 A consequence of Gen Y’s closeness with their parents and the boomerang trend is the increasing and enduring in uence of youngsters on the family purchases. By staying at home, Gen Yers are getting a lot of perks. Parents are covering their bills, food, toiletries, rent and travel and acting as chauffeurs, cleaners, cooks and laundry services for them. Where young adults used to leave home in search of independence, today they are quite comfortable in bedrooms that are mini- ats stuffed with their own TV, DVD and game consoles.21 For many important decisions in life such as a job, housing, banking or a car, Gen Y will automatically turn their heads towards their parents. HR managers and university selection committees have even reported an increased presence of parents during the interviews. It is the new paradox in youth sociology. K ids are confronted with the adult world at an earlier age because parents want them to be stimulated to explore the world. This phenomenon is called ‘ GOY’ (K ids K Getting Older Younger). On the other hand, they are much slower in taking independent decisions. More than 8 out of 10 youngsters report that their parents are always available for them 24 hours a day.22 For parents, being an adult has become dull and unattractive. Youth is everything. They want to remain youthful as long as they can. Many Gen Yers admit their parents want to wear what they are wearing, adore co-shopping and they even regularly swap clothes. The line between parents and children is increasingly blurring.
I nsane i the br n:teenage neurol n ai ogy
Teen brains are still under construction. Their hardware is to blame for the unpredictable behaviour that is led far more often by their emotions than by their logic. N euroscience is slowly discovering the secrets of teenage brains. Scienti c studies indicate that adolescence is the period in which habits and behaviour are shaped. Two processes are responsible for this blueprint. On the one hand, we see
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an explosion in the creation of grey matter.23 This boost in thinking power gives teenagers the opportunity to excel in all kinds of areas. The more they engage in certain behaviour, the better they will become at it and the more skills will be anchored in their brains. At the same time, cells that are never used are eliminated. The ‘ it or use lose it’ theory dictates that if teenagers do not engage in certain activities during their adolescences, they will never do this anymore simply because the neural connections will be absent for these activities. For example, if teenagers are not exposed to a healthy lifestyle, their brains will be built up around the famous sex, drugs and rock ‘ roll mindset.24 Because teenage brains are still very exible in this n’ period, it is an important moment for brands and products to communicate to this target group. If people are consuming a certain product or brand in their young years, their brain will be programmed for similar behaviour when they are adults.
Em otional roller coasters
However, not all communication will have an equal effect on the adolescent brain. N euroscientists have revealed that some strategies work better to connect with teenagers. Teenage brains function like an emotional roller coaster. Brain researchers have uncovered that this is a direct consequence of the brain growth. U nlike adults, their frontal lobes are still in full development. This brain area is responsible for taming the wild beast re exes in us. It suppresses emotional and primitive reactions and makes us behave like good citizens. Frontal lobes also help us with logical reasoning. They are directly related to another brain structure called the ‘ amygdale’, the source for emotional processing. In the adult brain, the frontal lobe is in control and triggers coming from the amygdale are largely ignored. It is only in case of dominant emotional stimuli or when we sedate the frontal lobe, by drinking too much alcohol for instance, that emotions take the upper hand. With teenagers the amygdale is in the driving seat. Because the frontal lobes are still immature, they will show more emotional and impulsive behaviour. R esearch has also shown that adolescents are more eager to respond to emotional stimuli.25 E motional information is more likely to be noticed, processed and remembered. In terms of consumption, they are looking for stimulation of their positive emotions.26
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I dentity construction and brands
Although the amygdale and frontal lobes play different roles in teenage brains, it is exactly the interplay between them that is responsible for their most important development: the creation of an own identity. Adolescence is typically the stage in life where you start re ecting about the self. Youngsters spend a great deal of their time trying out different roles. By engaging in different activities, they try to shape their identity. Their self-concept is shaped by past experiences. Positive life experiences such as getting positive reactions to a new out t, good grades at school or positive feedback on your guitar play, help in building a positive self-concept. Failure or negative feedback leads to a more negative self-concept. All these experiences cause emotional reactions in the amygdale. The amygdale reinforces the positive experiences by sending a signal to the frontal lobes that will give it more importance within the self-construct. For marketers it is important to realize that consumption can play a powerful role in shaping one’s identity. If young people get positive feedback when consuming your brand, it will be more likely to nd an emotional connection with them. This will lead to a stronger place of your brand in a youth’s self-identity.
I dealism and activism
The frontal brain lobes are also capable of going from the concrete to the abstract world. A consequence of the abstract mind is idealistic behaviour. Because abstract thinking capacities are growing, teenagers at a certain age will nally be able to understand how the world works. By re ecting on the world, they will be capable of envisioning a perfect ideal world. During that phase, youngsters can become very critical about the actions of past generations. At rst, this idealism is often re ected in endless discussions with their parents and teachers. When growing up this idealism is often transferred into activism. Youngsters join animal rights movements, become a member of political parties or organize social actions with their youth movements. Brands and products are not spared from their critical judgements. C ompany processes, origin of goods and advertising are studied and can be used as a symbol of protest. Other brands embrace this idealism by explicitly supporting good causes.27
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Since 2008, H& M has brought the collection ‘ Fashion Against Aids’ on the market (see Figure 1.1). They have joined forces in the battle against AIDS in cooperation with Designers against AIDS and celebrities such as R ihanna, Timbaland and many more. It was the right moment to take action. To this new generation of youngsters AIDS was something that had happened to Freddie Mercury in the 1980s and the number of HIV infections was on the rise again. A quarter of the collection’s sales are donated to youth HIV/ AIDS awareness projects to promote the message of safe sex. By April 2010, over £2.6 million had been raised.28
FI G U R E 1 .1
The H &M Fashion against AI S colection D l
Risktaking behaviour
During puberty, teenagers often involve themselves in risk-taking behaviour. Many parents can verify that they have caught their son or daughter taking drugs or secretly drinking alcohol. Boys and girls that were known as quiet kids, decide to sneak out in the middle of the night, hitch a ride to a party and terrify their parents who notice their absence in the morning. Teachers are confronted with youngsters
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who decide to hang around in pubs rather than attend classes and principals wonder why they decide to make a small re in the school bin. It seems that at a certain age, teenagers lose their senses and have an irresistible urge to indulge in stupid and dangerous behaviour. Again... their brains are to blame. R isk-taking behaviour is something we all involve in on a daily base.29 To be successful we need to engage in new and unknown behaviour:if adults do not dare to take up responsibility for a certain job at work, they will never feel the resultant grati cation. If you never start talking to unfamiliar people, you will be stuck in your small network forever. There needs to be a rst time to drive a car or bike. Both adults and youngsters need to take risk in order to achieve something in life. There is however more than achievement alone as a reason to engage in risk-taking behaviour. We seek danger also for the thrill of it. Surviving risky behaviour leads to pleasure. Think of the feeling when you exit a roller coaster or the kick you experience when you have successfully addressed a large crowd. There is one speci c substance in the brain called ‘ dopamine’ that has been associated with pleasure seeking. E xperiments on rats have shown that taking away the dopamine systems leads to passive and lazy behaviour. The test animals showed no intention to explore their environment. Dopamine stimulates adults as well as youngsters to take action that leads to pleasure. The more it is activated, the more you will seek out pleasure and the more you will take decisive action to nd new thrills. So far, it is clear that risk taking and pleasure seeking is a human proclivity. How can neuroscience explain why youngsters seem particularly eager to undertake stupid things? R esearch has shown that dopamine regulation in the developing young brain is out of balance.30 Some studies have found evidence for an overproduction of dopamine that turns youngsters into mega pleasure seekers. Other research claims rather that the risk behaviour would be caused by a sudden decrease in dopamine production in comparison with childhood output. In order to reach the same levels of reward, adolescents are condemned to undertake more risky behaviour. Again there is an important relationship with the premature development of the frontal lobes. The adult brain suppresses dangerous behaviour because its frontal lobes can make an estimation of the consequences of their actions. However, youngsters live in a physiological situation where their brains tell them to take risks but cannot stop their urge for pleasure. R isk-taking
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is a theme that many successful youth brands are using. In 2010, the clothing brand Diesel embraced this concept in an advertising campaign on the theme ‘ stupid’ (see the following Box). be
Be Stupid
Diesel, the international j eans brand, launched ‘B e Stupid’, a campaign that encourages consumers to take risks and move beyond the smart and sensible track of life. The campaign, developed by Anomaly London, includes online, press and outdoor advertisements featuring ‘stupid’ acts, a digital recruitment campaign for the Diesel music video/ 2010 catalogue, and viral activity outlining the company’s Stupid philosophy. The Diesel Stupid Philosophy is translated on their website (www.die se l.com/ be stu p id/ )as follows:
Well, we’re with stupid. Stupid is the relentless pursuit of a regret-free life. Smart may have the brains... but stupid has the balls. The smart might recognize things for how they are. The stupid see things for how they could be. Smart critiques. Stupid creates. The fact is if we didn’t have stupid thoughts we’d have no interesting thoughts at all. Smart may have the plans... but stupid has the stories.... So, BE STUPID
The Diesel Stupid philosophy taps into youth’s proneness to pleasure seeking and taking risks. It fights rational frontal lobe thinking and encourages youngsters to not suppress their emotions and impulses. David Ireland, Diesel’s Vice President of Marketing in the U nited States, commented: ‘In the campaign, “stupid” actually means “brave”. We’re really getting back to what Diesel is all about. “B e Stupid” is not an ad campaign, it’s a manifesto.’31
Sti ul on j m ati unki es
Today, anything is media. E verything and everyone is constantly spitting out messages whether it is on Twitter, SMS or Facebook. Young people were raised in a cocoon with their anxious parents often being afraid to let them go out. It is no surprise this generation has embraced technologies to build new communities through tweeting, texting and friending. E quipped with a bunch of portable media Gen Y is never alone or out of touch with their friends. By analysing more than 40,000 monthly U S mobile bills, N ielsen determined that U S
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teens sent on average 3,146 texts a month during the third quarter of 2009. This equals more than 10 texts every waking non-school hour.32 Youngsters get addicted to this constant entertainment and distraction. They can’t think of a life without stimulation and variation. If they are for some reason disconnected, they feel boredom more than any generation before. C onstant connection and compelling content are no luxury, they are fundamental everyday life expectations. iPhones are affecting the daily routines of youngsters, telling them when to get up, what to do, what their friends are doing, etc. The rst thing many youngsters do when they get up is to switch on their computer, if they still switch it off to begin with.33 Their mobile is always on, unless the batteries have run down.
The trium ph generation
Ask a Gen Yer when adulthood begins, and chances are high he/ she will answer 30. For this generation your early twenties are a time to move around, try different things and date different people.34 This need for stimulation and instant grati cation is also translated in consumer behaviour. Generation Y shows a relaxed attitude towards consumer purchasing and debts. In Gen BuY.H ow tw eens,teens and tw entysom ethings are revolutionizing retail, Yarrow and O’Donnell state that shopping is ‘ new weather’. Talking about clothes, music, the cars and the latest techno gadgets brings Gen Y together and keeps them engaged. Buying fashion and entertainment items are vital to leading a happy and hedonistic life and shopping is just another form of exciting entertainment to them. Shopping provides a ‘ mental vacation’. To de-stress from their busy lives, they will search for pure indulgence. Shopping plays an important emotional role and helps youth to calm anxiety during the many life transitions they have to cope with.35 The large amounts of non-essential purchases are justied as ‘ deserved’ or a ‘ reward’. Sometimes, buying a gift for someone else is a good reason for a ‘ treat’ of their own. For this reason, Gen Y is sometimes also dubbed the ‘ triumph’ generation. They are spoiled with parental attention and expect a lot of feedback and attention at work too. This perception of ‘ entitlement’ has changed the perception of credit card usage and lending services with this generation. After all, nances are of secondary importance to the pursuit of happiness through consumption.36 Although Gen Yers have also suffered from the global economic downturn – the youth unemployment
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rates are the highest since the Second World War – they don’t seem to panic. In a report of PricewaterhouseC oopers only 25 per cent of Gen Y consumers say the economy has signi cantly changed their spending behaviour, while 36 per cent of Generation Xers and 37 per cent of Boomers say it has changed their shopping habits.37 They are more compulsive shoppers than the former generations.
A fr agm ented w orl d
Through online technology, youth get what they want without having to look too hard. They live in a culture of convenience, consuming snippets devoid of ever seeing the entirety. There’s no need to research a topic when you can just Google it to nd the answer. This short cut way of life is something they have been brought up with. Instead of knowing a few topics in depth, they have a little knowledge about everything. This affects the society more than you might think. The length of a Tim e cover story has dropped from 4,500 to 2,800 words in the past 20 years. Average news sound bites have slipped from 42 seconds in 1965 to a present-day low of 8 seconds. We want more entertainment better and faster.38
Bite-size com m itm ent
Youngsters pick and mix individual parts of media to create their own personalized products and services that t their individual needs. There’s no need to buy a whole album on iTunes, you can create your own. Bite-size formats in a much wider variety have replaced mass and uniform media formats. Gen Y is only bite-size committed. The good side of this is that they are much more open to hop between different styles. They listen to different music styles and festivals offer six to 10 different performance stages to ll in the needs of variety and style switching. R SS feeds on the internet allow you to make your own personalized multimedia news medium. But this doesn’t mean that traditional media have lost their meaning to Gen Yers. When chilling out, a newspaper or TV programme caters much better for their need of de-stressing and relaxing. In one of our studies on the use of newspapers among youngsters, we have found that a traditional daily is linked with ‘ pyjama moments’.
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A friend’ focus s
N ow that online tools enable youth to achieve social interactions, the broader of ine community has eroded. Students listen to lectures without having to attend the sessions together with fellow students. They are less and less interested in connecting with those around them that are outside their immediate inner circle of friends, family and relatives. N ew forms of online communities, MMOR PGs (Massively Multiplayer Online R ole Playing Games such as R unescape and W orld of W arcraft) and belonging to groups like those on social networks have lled the void created by this hyper-fragmented environment. This generation has different technologies, media, brands and a number of different core friendship groups of which they select the right ones according to situation, event, time and mood. Friends are fun to be with, more understanding than anyone else and can be tribally differentiated for different needs and moments.39
I plications for brands m
Brands targeting Gen Y should offer the same degree of choice and allow young people to interact with the brand elements they like. Gen Yers are creating their own personal brands by combining competitors with personality traits that re ect their own identity. Youngsters are more ckle today but they tend to be selectively loyal to those elements of brands that touch their hearts and that keep their promise. It is up to brands to t into the complex identity of youngsters today rather than the other way around. Brands aren’t dictating styles or image anymore. Another result of the fragmentation is that competition for brands has surpassed the traditional category borders. Brands need to tap into the need for new cohesion and group belonging by bringing youngsters with shared passions together.40 In 2006, N ike launched N ike+:technology that tracks data of every run and connects runners from all around the world at the nik e p lu s.com website. They log on and sign up to register their running programmes and goals. The key development to bring runners together on the web was the Sport K it sensor that synchronizes with an Apple iPod or iPhone and tracks runners’ speed, distance and calories burned. When runners dock their iPod the data are automatically uploaded on the nikeplus community. On the website different tailor-made training programmes
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are available and members can check out the most recent activity of runners in their own neighbourhood. They can either try to achieve their own goals or be more competitive and challenge others in the community. The success of the community has also translated into sales results for the company. Before N ike+, the brand accounted for 48 per cent of all running-shoe sales in the U nited States. Two years later, in 2008, the share had grown to 61 per cent. Of course, this growth cannot be reduced to the success of N ike+. Although product innovations play an important role, choosing running shoes is very much connected to habit and the N ike+ community and tools stimulate runners either to stick with N ike shoes or to buy a pair when they were used to another brand.41 From living in a fragmented world that is giving them continuously more freedom and opportunities, Gen Y also feel more concerned and insecure. More freedom equals more responsibility and nding out what’s right and what’s wrong. Youngsters feel the need for more meaningful things in life: stability, harmony and authenticity. This search can really feel like a burden to them and that’s why they want to be connected with their friends.42 Brands need to acknowledge this search for authenticity. Although Gen Y favours peer-to-peer reporting (Twitter, social networks and blogs) over traditional media, they still see TV and TV commercials as the most trustful medium that is suited for brand building. They know that TV advertising is expensive and it is therefore a sign that a company or brand on TV must be stable and successful.
You are w orth l than oneess tenth ofa Whopper!
Early 2009, ad agency Crispin Porter & B ogusky created the ‘Whopper Sacrifice’ campaign for B urger King. The Facebook application promised a coupon for a free burger if participants deleted 10 friends from their list on the social network. If you were unfriended, the app sent a notification explaining that your friend had more love for the whopper than for you. The campaign was a huge success. In only a few days’ time, the application was installed 60,000 times, more than 200,000 people got unfriended and nearly 20,000 coupons were distributed. After 10 days, Facebook disabled the B urger King campaign claiming that it was violating user privacy. Of course, the ban led to even more buzz for the viral social media campaign.43 ‘Unfriending’ was elected as ‘word of the year 2009’ by the Ox ford Dict ionary .
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Crow d sourci and cong creati on
Open source is a technique used in the development of computer code. It means that the coding allows other participants to cooperate and build better software and applications. The ‘ open source’ idea is very much in line with the expectations of Generation Y. It has evolved much further than just software and computer code and is the backbone of many Web 2.0 applications. Wikipedia for instance is an open source encyclopaedia and dictionary that is not only constantly building better de nitions but is also updated amazingly fast. Less than two hours after one of Michael Jackson’s employees called 911 on 25 June 2009, Wikipedia reported Jackson’s cardiac arrest. The open source site had beaten the C N N brk Twitter stream by 18 minutes and was updated more than one hour before the rst mainstream news article appeared on M S N B C .com.44 Wikipedia servers received 1.24 million requests for the English article about Michael Jackson in the rst hour only, 8.7 million in the rst 24 hours and 14.4 million in the rst seven days.45
Tony Whoop-de Doo Bl air
At the end of 2009, the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia had to struggle for life. As a non-profit organization, they urgently needed 5.5 million euros. The fans of the online knowledge bank managed to rake in the required amount in less than eight weeks. G oogle added 1.5 million euros to the banking account as a mark of honour to what Sergey B rin, co-founder of G oogle, named ‘one of the biggest triumphs of the internet’. The encyclopaedia is 10 years old. At first, it was named ‘Nupedia’ but the publishing admission process seemed to be too strict and lengthy, resulting in only a few articles online after several months. In January 2001 Wikipedia was born. The encyclopaedia gave power to the users by offering wikis, a software application that allows multiple users to contribute to the same text simultaneously. Nowadays, Wikipedia provides more than 14 million articles in 270 languages. More than 300,000 unique visitors a month find their way to the site. The whole concept relies on the mutual trust of the Wikipedia users. In the past, there were some stories about the CIA editing Wikipedia entries or the B B C adding ‘W****r’ as G eorge B ush’s middle name. Jokers were able to include in Tony B lair’s entry that he has H itler posters hanging above his bed and his official name really was ‘Tony Whoop-de Doo B lair’. The site suffered from April Fool attacks each year. Meanwhile, articles on living personalities can’t easily be changed anymore and the English version is experimenting with editors.46
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User-generated content
Generation Yers like the idea of being in full control of everything and don’t passively accept what is given to them. They embrace ownership of content and want to be able to edit and change their environment every minute. Youth marketers should adapt the same ‘ open source’ philosophy. A brand is not what a company wants it to be, it’s what Gen Y consumers want it to be. Online tools have made it possible for youth to create their own unique support structures through interactions with friends. They have a constant open feedback channel with their peers that will help them make decisions, no matter whether they are choosing a movie to watch, a new pair of jeans to buy or a boyfriend to date. These connections are as real to Gen Yers as of ine supports. They often claim they have 200 friends on Facebook who they know personally, which would be quite dif cult in the of ine world. Although it is hard to understand for older generations, these new ‘ passive’ type of friends are very valuable to them. Gen Yers around the world have 140 Facebook friends on average, compared to 91 among Gen Xers and 64 among Baby Boomers.47
Trusted brands becom e friends
Gen Yers are cynical about the way brands behave and are no longer willing to trust anything based solely on faith. They would rather trust unknown peers than brands and have the tools to undercut the authority of brands and advise each other. Word-of-mouth marketing is therefore more effective as they tend to trust their friends’ opinions. Online friends don’t replace traditional real-world friendships. They are an extension of existing friendship groups. An of ine friend will call them on their birthday, while an online one may write a message on their online space. The online world is Gen Y’s entertainment, it is not their life. Media that reach them through their peers’ lter are automatically relevant. Facebook is one of the main lters for young people today. It delivers content that is almost always relevant and organizes many aspects of their lives: events, music, photos and communications. It’s Gen Y’s diary. Of Gen Yers that are active on social networks, 4 out of 10 befriend brands, compared to 31 per cent of Gen Xers and 27 per cent of Baby
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Boomers.48 Brands on social networks should behave like friends connecting with them, not just like distant brands. But they should not try to act as a friend in the traditional of ine form, rather as one of the passive friendships that exist and develop in online social networks. Just like with their other passive friendships they will get to know you through watching and gaining an insight into the brand’s online life. Appealing brands do not dictate but engage them by providing involvement and perceived control over the brand. Gen Y wants a less top-down and more equal relationship with brands than Generation X. Brands in social networks should offer them tangible services or sponsored utilities instead of advertising. Youngsters are turned off when a brand is seen as an uninvited intruder into their space. When a brand’s behaviour is not transparent to them, they will assume it is hiding something from them and is dishonest. The increased marketing savvyness means that they are now demanding something back from brands. Brands need to work harder to build a connection with young target groups and authenticity is key. They are not just seen as product providers but as life and lifestyle supporters. This youth generation has a much greater emotional attachment to brands which display that they really understand their lifestyles and make themselves relevant by supporting their needs. Gen Y puts much more emphasis on brand experience and brand credibility.
M achinim a m ania
Machinima are user-generated computer animation videos that use the 3-D graphics of video games. The name is a contraction of machine cinema and originates from recordings of gameplay in first-person shooters such as Doom and Quak . When storylines were added e ‘quakemovies’ were born. MTV has made machinima a mainstream trend by airing Video M odson MTV2. The broadcast featured music videos using characters from video games such as The Simsand Need for Speed. Machinima is a good illustration of the open source philosophy of G en Y. Although this G en Y way of thinking is criticized a lot because of copyright claims, it spurs creativity and innovation.49
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A soap caled ‘ E’ youth’ new narci sm l M : s ssi
Generation Y has also been dubbed ‘ ME generation’. Indeed Gen the Y sculpts, crafts and storyboards their lives in social networks to present campaigns of themselves. E yes are always on Gen Yers. They are stars of their own soap operas in which all their friends play their parts with comment boxes and status updates as the scripts of the soap. Youngsters increasingly look at their world through a journalist’s lens trying to nd an interesting story. With every photo taken, they wonder whether it could be their next pro le picture. Youngsters who are still formulating their belief systems are attracted to well-de ned and authentic brands that help them to strengthen their values and reinforce the identity they are building.50 Jean M Twenge, Associate Professor of Psychology at San Diego State U niversity, is convinced that narcissism is much more common in our recent youth generation. According to her studies, the average U S college student in 2006 scored higher on narcissism scales than 65 per cent of students in 1987. In other words, in less than 20 years, the number of college students with a high narcissism score has risen by two-thirds. The professor mainly blames our education systems designed to raise the self-esteem of youth.51 In her 2009 book The N arcissism Epidem ic, she even suggests treatments for what she deems an epidemic.52
Celebrity w orship and the 15 Mb offam e
The constant stream of media updates in youngsters’ social networks and on their mobile phones means they are always aware of what their friends are doing and their friends know what they have been doing. Youngsters have never had so many live benchmarks as today. The media celebrate the young and successful whether it’s sportsmen, actors or singers. In 2005, K aiser Family Foundation came up with a quite remarkable nding. N ot less than 31 per cent of U S teenagers were convinced they would become famous one day.53 In the same period, U K policemen had to cope with a trend of youngsters taping ‘ happy slapping’ movies and posting them on YouTube. More recently, a 19-year-old made the global news headlines by creating a video in which he and his friends are demolishing a brand
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new iPad with a baseball bat. In an interview with the LA Tim es, the young videographer said he was a big Apple fan and bought two other iPads that he didn’t pulverize. He just thought the stunt would be funny. Within less than two days, more than 765,000 people had seen the video on YouTube.54 Today, there are so many tools for micro-celebrity: being a studio spectator, talk-show guest, reality TV participant, appearing on YouTube or talent-scouting TV shows such as Pop I dol, etc. In his book H ello,I m special, Hal N iedzviecki states that pop culture is creating ’ the myth of instant stardom. TV shows such as The O sbournes demonstrate the ordinariness of celebs and in a climate where K ate N ash and Lily Allen are discovered on MySpace, everyone can elevate themselves to new heights. Psychologists at the U niversity of Leicester have identi ed a mental disorder named ‘ celebrity worship syndrome’. Their research claims that one in three youngsters in the U K suffer from some derivative of the disease. For most of them this is luckily limited to casually following the careers and lives of certain celebriunkies, this interties.55 According to Jake Halpern’s theory in Fam e J est in celebrities and the tendency to form para-social relationships with them is fuelled by loneliness and the innate desire to belong. The more lonely and under-appreciated an adolescent feels, the more he/ wants to befriend the ultimate popular guy or girl. Proximity she to the famous is a way of receiving recognition and status for the self. N othing’s new. In U S high schools there are two main routes for teenage girls to belong to the elite group: either become a cheerleader or become a friend of a cheerleader.56 However, these authors may be exaggerating the phenomenon. R ecent research found that very few Gen Yers consider becoming famous an important life goal. Just 4 per cent consider it very important and this is not different from older generations. The vast majority (86 per cent) say fame is not important to them.57 C elebrities have always had a big appeal to the general audience, whether it was Marilyn Monroe in the 1950s or Lady Gaga today. N evertheless, we do acknowledge that this generation has a higher self-esteem and a higher need for self-realization and uniqueness than former generations. The continuous media and peer benchmarks, as well as society and parents stimulating Gen Yers to turn their life into a success story affects their thinking and behaviour.
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Status anxiety
Youth today have unrealistically high expectations of becoming a millionaire before they are 30. Media often portray the successful 20-something C E Os of their own companies endorsing the ‘ you can be anything you want to be’ mythos. The increased importance of self-esteem and self-importance also shows up in increased materialism. Back in 1967, 45 per cent of Boomer freshmen said it was important to be well-off nancially. By 2004, 74 per cent of Gen Y freshmen agreed.58 This is translated in high starting salary and working life expectations. A mere 31 per cent of employed young people say they earn enough money to lead the life they want. However, they are more optimistic than other generations about their future earning power. Among the ones who say they don’t earn enough money, 88 per cent think they will be capable of earning enough in the future. Being nancially secure is also a concern for 7 out of 10 teens aged 13–18 around the world.59 But the negative aspect of this status anxiety is an increased self-imposed pressure and an increase in fear of failure among youth. Youngsters feel ashamed that they can’t live up to their own high expectations. The midlife crisis of the current Generation X is actually already taking place transformed into a quarter-life crisis among Gen Yers. The social network voyeurism and exhibitionism has also created a more hedonistic culture. Youth problems such as binge drinking are increasingly justi ed as youngsters feel comforted by the fact that everyone else is doing it too. The more extremes happen in their lives, the more content they have to post on their Facebook walls. E xperiences in the of ine world provide content (the new social currency) for online life. They know that their behaviour is being recorded and will pose for pictures with the speci c intent of uploading these on social networks. Social networks allow Gen Yers to support many more and much deeper passive friendships than previous generations. They value social relationships and love to work, shop and date collaboratively a lot more than previous youth generations. Gen Y seems to be more loyal to people than to companies. This is not only important for HR programmes but it also urges you to put enough emphasis on the social aspects of your brand. The store personnel and your employees can really make a difference. They are the advocates of your brand’s DN A.
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Pl aying God in a virtualdolhouse l
In most video games players are heroes saving the universe or reckless racers or j David B eckham dribbling his way through the defence and ust scoring five top goals. In the most popular game in 10 years, The Sims , youngsters merely play a normal character that is doing ordinary everyday activities. You design your own virtual dollhouse and then you are responsible for the well-being of all the occupants. ‘It was a latent need which was not fulfilled with existing videogames 10 years ago’, says Lucy B radshaw, co-designer of the game. ‘U ntil then gamers were used to play the concepts and storylines created by others. The Simswas the first game to break with that tradition. The entire content and storyline of the game is owned by the gamer.’ Most of B radshaw’s colleagues at Electronic Arts (EA)were initially laughing at her idea at the end of the 1990s. B ack then most gamers were teenage boys. When she brought up the idea of ‘Dollhouse’ (the proj name of The Sims together with game designer ect ) Will Wright, they thought she was pulling a j oke. B ut soon the first sales results came in and The Simswas immediately a bull’s eye. More than 100 million copies of the game (including The Sims2and 3)have been sold since the launch in 2000. Together with the release of Sims2an online community was created in which players could share the obj ects and their own creations. The game was truly a precursor of the user-generated content trend that was first adopted by G eneration Y. Simsplayers are able to change the rules of the game, that’s why these kinds of game are also named ‘G od games’. It was the first game to attract girls to gaming. In The Simsthey can decorate their own house and choose fashionable outfits. The Swedish brands IKEA and H & M have already sponsored expansion packs of the game, offering their real-life catalogues within the virtual Simsworld. Since The Simsmany other G od games were introduced. Lucy B radshaw is now working on EA’s Spore franchise. Spore, a game launched in 2008, allows players to let a creature evolve from a single-celled organism to an intelligent being that is capable of visiting planets far away.60
M il lenni m yths:debunki al ng concepti of Gen Y ons
Youth behaviour typically sets many tongues wagging; especially older generations, such as Generation X, who have many prejudices against Generation Y. We would like to challenge some of the common misunderstandings.
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Gen Y only put trust in peers
Generation Y are allegedly only capable of trusting their own friends. It is true they do attach a lot of importance to their peer’s opinion and word-of-mouth and have more real-time channels to connect with them. This doesn’t mean that they only listen to peers. In a survey InSites C onsulting did for Levi’s E urope, we asked what would be the most trusted source to decide what new pair of jeans to buy. The results are shown in Figure 1.2. Although 74 per cent prefer the opinion of their best friends, shop personnel are trusted too. They even put a higher trust on commercial staff than on their own mum. Still, mum remains an important source. This con rms the better relationship between Gen Yers and their parents, although dad doesn’t seem to be the fashion style specialist. Brochures and commercial websites of the jeans brands are as important as reviews and objective forums on the internet. So although they are marketing savvy, this doesn’t automatically imply that they don’t trust commercial media anymore.61
FI G U R E 1 .2
M ost trusted opinion to buy j eans m y b est fri d s en
74% 52% 40% 38% 24% 18% 17% 15% 13% 13% 10%
so m eo n e o f th e sh o p p erso n n el m y m um p eo p l l ke m e (o ffl n e) e i i m y si ster(s) m y fam i y l b ro ch u res, w eb si o f b ran d s te revi si fo ru m o n th e i tern et ew te, n e n o i p eo p l i th e street w h o l o k l ke m e! m y b ro th er(s) m y d ad
They rej global brands and m ass m arketing ect
After four years of researching ‘ cool brands’ among Gen Yers, it is safe to conclude that they are not the ‘ o Logo’ generation at all. N
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Global mass advertising brands such as C oca-C ola, N ike and N okia are still among their most beloved brands. The advertising and marketing strategies of these brands changed to appeal to the new consumer though. C oke’s ‘ happiness’ campaign, for instance, is much more emotional and on an equal level with the consumer than the ‘ real thing’ or ‘ always C oca-C ola’ campaigns of the past. The global presence of brands radiates a sense of power with which Gen Y is happy to af liate. Because they seek reassurance for what they perceive to be a chaotic world, they are looking for security. Global brands are a safe haven because they have proven to be able to survive. If they had not been delivering high quality and reliable offers then they would surely not be around today. Great brands are always one step ahead of the rest and are continually innovating and updating their products. Although some of the brands in youth’s preferred list such as Levi’s, Apple, N ike and C oca-C ola have a U S origin, this is no longer the ultimate rule. Scandinavian brands such as H& M and N okia, German brands such as Adidas and Italian fashion brands such as Diesel were able to conquer global youth’s trust. As children of a media-dominated society, Gen Y love excellent visual communication from their beloved brands. They tend to adore ads that: portray openness; express closeness, warmth, caring and harmony; show that a brand is natural and stays true to itself (authenticity); support the simplicity of the brand; have witty humour; provoke controversy.62 More than 7 out of 10 youngsters say they are critical towards advertising in general. In Figure 1.3 you will see some interesting results from our brand authenticity work for Levi’s Europe. Most youngsters like humour and irony in advertising and they want to hear the unvarnished truth. Although Gen Yers are stimulation junkies, it remains important for brands to stay consistent in their messages. Youngsters today generally reject image-oriented advertising.63
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FI G U R E 1 .3
Gen Y’ attitude tow ards advertising s
I l ke h u m o u r i ad verti i n sem en t I l ke co m p an i w h o al ays tel m e th e tru th i es w l I l ke co m p an i w h o are co n seq u en t i w h at th ey d o an d say i es n I l ke i n y i ad verti i ro n sem en ts
92% 88% 85% 78% 76% 73% 73% 71% 71% 62% 43% 38% 24%
I h ave m o re tru st i th e o p i i n o f m y fri d s th an i w h at co m p an i tel m e n no en n es l I am cri cal to w ard s ad verti n g i g en eral ti si n I d o n ' l ke co m p an i w h o try to create an i ag e th ey d o n ' h ave fro m n atu re ti es m t T h ere i to o m u ch ad verti n g i th i w o rl s si n s d I th i k I am ab l to see th ro u g h m arketi g tri n e n cks I l ke co m p an i w h o sh o w co rp o rate so ci b eh avi u r i es al o I d o n ' l ke everyth i g th at so u n d s o r l o ks to o co m m erci ti n o al I h ave m o re tru st i th e o p i i n o f p eo p l l ke m e o n l n e th an i w h at co m p an i tel m e n no e i i n es l I g o o n l n e to fi d o u t i co m p an i tel th e tru th i th ei ad verti i n f es l n r sem en t
Defini Gener on Y ng ati
They are ethical consum ers
E thical, green and charity issues are of growing importance for this generation. However, the media have made them feel numb for many of these messages. Footage from the developing world, wars, and nature disaster zones are projected on the same screens they watch movies and play games on. They have become another ction, far away from their own real words. They only take these issues into account when they are directly affecting their immediate social circle or local world. Gen Yers transfer all ethical responsibilities to organizations. Although they will try to avoid buying unethical brands, they will rarely deliberately choose a brand because of its charity programmes. Being ethical is important to them as a principle, but it is not their utmost concern when choosing favourite brands and they will rarely compromise the convenience of their own lives to make a difference. A brand’s socially responsible image will never make up for poor quality or other basic issues. Because eco-claims became just another advertising strategy in the rst decade of the 2000s, Gen Yers are cautious in really believing what a brand is telling about protecting the environment. In April 2010, sports fashion brand Puma worked together with Yves Behar’s Fuse project to design a shoebox that would reduce its environmental impact. Many Gen Yers reacted rather sceptically on blogs. Puma claimed in a movie that using a bag instead of a box reduced the use of cardboard by 65 per cent, eventually resulting in lowered usage of paper (trees), energy, water and emission of carbon dioxides. Youngsters called it propaganda, questioned the positive impact of the design, uttering that 77 per cent of the carbon footprint in shoes come from the raw materials (leather, rubber and cotton) and only a mere 5 per cent from packaging.64 Protecting the planet is not a typical Gen Y thing, it is the result of our zeitgeist. They recycle as much as the other generations and they will buy environmentally friendly and organic products as much as other generations.65 More important to Gen Yers is that they don’t just get bombarded with traditional charity programmes but that they can make a difference by owning the values and choosing how and where charitable contributions will go.66 Pepsi, a company that used to spend most of its marketing money on TV commercials in the U nited States, decided to go for a $20 million social campaign at the start of 2010. They replaced their traditional
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Superbow l opening ad position and created the Pepsi R efresh Project. The project is about the online social community nominating projects that need funding in local communities. On the website of the project everyone is able to upload their video or project pro le and get votes to win funds ranging from $5,000 to $250,000. Funding ideas can be related to health, arts and culture, food and shelter, the planet, neighbourhood or education. The voting engine allows youngsters to select projects near them, catering for the local identi cation needs of Gen Y.67 Through the Pepsi R efresh Project, D esperate H ousew ives actress E va Longoria is appealing to her fans to support PADR E S C ontra E l C áncer, a non-pro t organization supporting Latino families in the U nited States dealing with a child’s cancer diagnosis. Longoria is also endorsing Yo Sumo (I count), a Pepsi initiative encouraging Latinos to participate in the 2010 census and to share their personal experiences, dreams and contributions as they help shape the U nited States. The stories will be compiled in a documentary directed and produced by the actress.68
They are lazy
Gen Y are believed to be lazy because they mostly take the shortest way to get what’s needed. But that’s simply the way they were educated, attaining the objectives with the least possible efforts in a smart way. Most youngsters will express a strong work/ reward ethic. N ine out of ten believe you will get your rewards in life when you work hard enough. They do know they have been spoiled by their Baby Boomer parents and realize that when they move out as adults they will have to work hard. Failure is assumed to stem from laziness. Most teenagers will only select role models and celebrities that have worked hard and really earned their success.69 Barack Obama and Britney Spears are both often quoted as people who are admired for their work ethic and for achieving great things from humble beginnings by overcoming adversity to maintain their success.70
They are m ultitasking w izards
A common misunderstanding about Generation Y is that they are multi-taskers.71 With the rise of new technologies and social media they are showered with information. The easiness with which youngsters
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follow people on Twitter, answer text messages or communicate via MSN or Facebook astonishes adults and might lead to the false conclusion that Generation Y is particularly good at processing multiple streams of conversation and information. R esearch, however, has evidence for the opposite:until the age of 22, youngsters are less good at multitasking. They have more dif culties than adults in distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information and have fewer abilities to park a certain chunk of information for later usage. Although they are exposed to more information channels than before, this does not lead to an increased absorption of this information. Only strong and short messages are able to pass through the stream of information. There is a limit to what our brains can actually process simultaneously. While we are able to perceive multiple stimuli in parallel, we cannot process them simultaneously. This is especially the case when the different messages are non-related. Young people are actually not attempting to process non-complementary messages simultaneously but rather switching back and forth between different activities.72 Steve Johnson, author of Everything bad is good for you calls this strategy to cope with information overload ‘ telescoping’.73 Johnson claims that younger generations have got smarter in using these strategies by evolutions in popular culture: not only gaming but also soaps on television. The latter increasingly have complex narratives with instead of one main plot, several separate alternating storylines. TV series used to have ‘ pointing arrows’, clues in the plot that clarify what will happen next. R ecent popular youth TV series such as 24, H eroes or Lost lack these pointing arrows and there isn’t even a clear distinction between good and bad characters anymore. There’s a bit of the dark and white side in everyone. Leading actors unexpectedly die in the midst of the series. Youngsters have learned to analyse these series as puzzles. They don’t need to study medicine to understand the rather medical scripts of Grey’ A natom y or H ouse s M D . They simply deduct the meaning of the dif cult terms from the context. This is exactly what they do when they learn to master new technologies or tools. They don’t read manuals, they just ‘ probe’. Youth master the skills of deduction, probing and telescoping. They don’t multitask.74 In April 2010, only a few days after Apple launched its iPad, MTV N etworks released interactive iPad apps for Beavis and Butthead, M TV N ew s and V H 1 To GO . MTV is also investing in co-browsing apps, meant to be used while youngsters are watching TV, to run on the iPhone or Android devices. The goal of these apps
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is to make chatting with friends more user-friendly by facilitating conversation without your eyes abandoning the on-screen action. The idea is that mobile devices are easier to use while watching TV than laptops or desktop computers, and the iPad tablet is the perfect in-between.75
Concl on usi
Of course a number of elements of Gen Y’s behaviour are more linked to their young life stage than to their generation. The fact that their brains are still under development is one of these universal features. This explains why generation after generation of youngsters adore freedom, push their limits and are involved in risk-taking behaviour. They want to explore the world around them and discover novelties. Identity construction and the need for self-expression are also universal adolescent themes. Madonna sang: ‘ Music makes the people come together.’ This is speci cally true for youngsters. And although every lifestyle group and every generation has different genres, festivals and music carriers, music will always remain one of their main preoccupations. You can also see Generation Y as the ultimate products of our postmodern society. They are both individualistic and very sociable. They have traditional family values but are very tolerant and open as well. For instance, they are more sexually and ethnically permissive than former generations. They do have a strong work ethic but want a balanced life and lots of leisure time as well. They don’t want to make the same mistakes as their Baby Boomer parents who traded in a fair amount of their spare time to succeed in life. They have seen the downside of their parents’ success in terms of broken marriages, absentee parenting and stress-related illnesses.76 Many youngsters take a sabbatical year after they have only been working for one or two years. They want to get rich and believe they will earn a lot, but at the same time enriching experiences are even more important. They cherish their local roots and love brands with local anchors but at the same time they think very globally, in career as well as in friendships and travel.77 Generation Y is a more positive generation than Generation X with a stronger belief in a better future and a better world.
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The speci c characteristics of Gen Y we have discussed in this chapter will affect the way you should conceive your marketing and branding targeted at this group. Gen Yers will only stay interested in your brand if it succeeds in whetting their curiosity. K eeping your brand cool by incremental innovations is the key to winning their loyalty. While constantly renewing your brands and products, staying real and true to your own brand DN A and unique identity is essential. Gen Y are more marketing savvy and will immediately see through fake marketing strategies. Honesty and transparency are important aspects of successful youth brands. Again, both the uniqueness and honesty Gen Yers look for in brands are nothing more than a re ection of the times they were raised in. They were born in a society that celebrated individual success and were stimulated to become unique and special. Twenge has also highlighted that the younger generation has a compulsive honesty. If you’re not true to yourself and you conform to someone else’s rules, you might be seen as dishonest. Gen Y appreciate directness. Instead of making image claims in advertising, brands should demonstrate what they stand for by their deeds. For Generation X, brands were communicating status and had to express that they were winners. For Generation Y, brands are tools for communicating who they are. Baby Boomers gave their children many choices and taught them to make their own choices from early childhood on. Think of preschoolers choosing their own clothes in the morning. E ven if they ended up wearing terrible combinations, that was okay because they were expressing themselves.78 Brands and products are seen by this generation as important in creating their own personal and unique narrative. Your brand needs to mirror the values and identity of the youngsters you are targeting. Brands that communicate a similar view of life will be more appealing.79 Brands provide them with a way to stand out from the mass. Brands stimulate discerning usage. At the same time, successful brands have to bring social acceptance for youngsters in their reference groups. A youth brand will only be a youth brand if Gen Y can participate, co-create and co-shape the brand identity while they receive the most important youth currency: content for of ine as well as online conversations. To experience brands in exciting environments contributes to arousal. Positive emotions are one of the most important reasons why this generation of stimulation junkies will be loyal to your offer.
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Those companies and marketers that adjust their branding strategies to address the needs of this emerging segment will nd themselves better connected with them and thus more successful.80
H ot takeaw ays f coolbrand buil or ders
G en Yers are stimulus j unkies who look for individual empowerment (control)and instant gratification in the hot brands they choose. G en Y fuse their social lives in technology, not the other way around. Content is the number one social currency for them. H ot brands continuously bring new cool content. Friends are the relevancy filter through which G en Yers process brand messages. H ot brands embrace social media and peer-to-peer strategies in which they don’t dictate but engage youth by offering them control. G en Yers put more trust in people and social connections. H ot brands value the role of employees, shop personnel and ambassador clients to defend and spread their DNA. G en Yers have a bigger influence on family purchases as a consequence of the hotel mum and dad and boomerang trend. G en Yers select and mix the right snippets for the right moment and need. B rands should cater for this variety of moments and needs and offer choice. H ot brands don’t j offer products, they are the supporter ust of G en Yers’ lifestyles. B rand affection and self-identification with the brand is built during adolescence as a result of brain development. This consumer generation is searching for anchor brands that provide them with stability, harmony and authenticity. B rands need to have a well-defined, transparent and consistent meaning and a clear vision.
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