Assignment Part 1: TCP/IP Communications via Socket Programming, Semester 2 2014
Distribution Date: Monday 04/08/14 (Week 3). Due Date: Friday 26/09/14 (Week 10).
Submit your assignment via email to Meera at her email address
1. Introduction
This assignment of TCP/IP communications is a group-of-two assignment worth 10%. It will require Socket Programming, which has been in Week 2 Lecture and Week 3 tutorial.
Sections 1 through 3 introduce some background relevant to the assignment. The assignment tasks will be described in Section 4. Section 5 highlights what and where you need to hand in. In
Section 6, the marking scheme of the assignment is enclosed for your reference.
This assignment relates to the following unit outcomes described in the unit outline:
2. Advanced collaborative and communication skills through a group project and formal technical report; and
4. Advanced collaborative and communication skills through a group project and formal technical report.
The criteria and performance standards used in this assessment are described in a table at the end of this document. Use the table as a marking guide.
You are asked to self-assess your assignment and reflect on what you have achieved before handing in. This gives you the opportunity to reflect what you have learned from this assignment, and also what you need to improve.
For the self-assessment, submit the self-assessed sheet together with your assignment.
The self-assessment sheet is the table at the end of this document, and is used as a marking guide.
For reflection, write a separate section of Reflection in your assignment report.
Key technical aspects that this assignment is addressing include: TCP/IP communications, socket programming. No-technical aspects of the assignment include: team work, report and communication, and reflection.
2. Background: Dealing with Time
There are basically three types of