there are certain characteristics and approaches to business, which are specifically Danish and these differences, could be linked to the country's much closer geographic ties with continental Europe” (World Business Culture, 2013). Low-context societies require explicit communication where a message is fully communicated through words.
Communication Style and Preference The Danish society communicates on a low level of context in Denmark, comparable to the United States.
In low context cultures, communication is direct by providing information explicitly. These groups of people are linear, logical, action-oriented, and individualistic. Decision-making is based on the fact rather than intuition. Danes typically speak in gentle tones, especially at formal business dinners; keeping conversations on a low context level. Danes dislike vague statements or openly shared opinions, too much diplomacy sometimes aggravate Danes and shows insincerity. Although the Danes are known for dry humor and sarcasm, it is considered a formality to remain modest take a low-key approach. The Danish language has various linguistic differences compared to the United States. One of the main differences between English and Danish is the alphabet. The Danish alphabet contains å, æ and ø, which are unfamiliar in the English language. However, for business purposes, the people of Denmark tend to use English as one of their main forms of communication. By using English as the main language, there are many issues in regards to pronunciation. The Danish language contains weakly pronounced consonants and difficult prosody, which makes pronouncing English words quite
hard. In Denmark, it is considered proper to maintain eye contact and use a firm handshake when greeting an individual. When socially interacting Danes maintain some distance. “Informality is considered a virtue. However, informality in social interaction makes it difficult to enter new social circles. At dinner parties, meetings, and conferences, there are no formal introductions, leaving it up to people to initiate interaction” (Advameg, 2015). Danes take punctuality for business meetings very seriously and expect that other will do likewise; call with an explanation if you are delayed. Meetings begin and end punctually. Denmark is consonant with international standards of religious freedom. An estimated eighty-six percent of the Danish culture belongs to the Evangelic Lutheran Church and numerous other Christian communities exist including the Catholic and Danish Baptist Church (Advameg, 2015). The majority of Danes practice Christianity and belong to the national church since the beginning of birth. Additionally, Denmark is well known for its celebrations that hold religious and cultural importance that are based on the Christian calendar including: Easter, Christmas, and St. John’s Eve.
Organizational Structure of Businesses The low-context society of Denmark specifically influences the chain of importance status in the business world because of the individualist propensities that are pervasive within their society. It is common for businesses in Denmark to have a flat organizational structure and concise communication among employees and management. The hierarchy in Denmark deals with employees communicating to management together to advance the business process successfully. Denmark’s inclusive management style is based solely on equality and consensus among creativity, where all team members are included in decision making. It is essential that all levels of the workplace should treat others equally and value sharing ideas and opinions within a group to make business decisions.
Negotiation Process In a low-context society, explicit contracts are constituted to achieve negotiations. The Danish believe that a business negotiation and time orientation are essential, however have direct communication during negotiations. “Denmark is a very egalitarian society, and businessman and women will likely consult other people within the business prior to making a final decision. In fact managers will often listen to the views of people much lower down the hierarchical ladder because they believe those employees to be knowledgeable about their own sphere” (DanishNet, 2015). The majority of business negotiations are conducted in the office of the workplace. Within business conversations it is essential to remember that Danes are very direct in their speech. Culturally Danes demand quality and efficacy, therefore when negotiating business you can count on promises.
The Danes embrace a monochronic approach pace of negotiation. This means they have a linear time orientation where tasks are complete one at a time as well as adhere to more strict schedules (Katz, 2007). Danes are highly motivated and expect employees to be committed and hardworking. When negotiating a contract or written agreement, Danes strictly advise a time for meetings and encourage business immediately. “Danes generally often work their way down a list of objectives in sequential order bargaining for each item separately, and may be unwilling to revisit aspects that have already been agreed upon” (Katz, 2007). Generally, Danes do not mix business with personal relationships and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Rules of Engagement The family and social structure inside Demark is a family-accommodating society where parents and their children participate cultural activities. Most Danish families structures are small, however the traditional nuclear family is the center of the social structure. Children are raised to be individualistic from an early age. “People marry for love, but convenience and economic gains may be equally important” (Advameg, 2015). However, marriage is not essential to developing a family. It is common in traditional nuclear families that parents work to provide financial stability for the household, creating a larger income to contribute to basic family needs. Financial dependability also allows the parents to provide additional opportunities for their children. These opportunities allow children to flourish socially and develop a higher level of confidence. A core value in Denmark society is maintaining a healthy work-life balance. As indicated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), citizens of Denmark give additional time than the OECD average to socializing with family, friends and interests.
Legal and Government Considerations Denmark is ruled by a Constitutional Monarchy accompanied by a parliamentary framework. The Danish Political System is democratic. The Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen leads the government of the Liberal party, also knows as Venstre. Recently, in June of 2015, the Prime Minister formed a minority government consisting solely on moderate-right party (BBC News, 2015). “It is characteristic of Danish democracy that the administration of the State is based on a voluntary agreement between the constitutional monarchy and the citizens of the country” (Expat In Denmark, 2012). Contrasting ministries, including the relevant institutions, and many regional and municipal authorities, negotiate the state administration. The Danish Parliament is composed of 179 members and passes laws that exert control over the government. The legislative and the executive powers are balanced against each other in the sense that a majority among the 179 Members of the Folketing can overthrow a Cabinet or a Minister. However, the Prime Minister can diffuse the Danish Parliament, in the trust of acquiring a steadier majority. “The cornerstone of the Danish constitution is Danmarks Riges Grundlov (The Constitutional Act of the Kingdom of Denmark) of 5 June 1953” (Expat In Denmark, 2012). The Act outlines the citizens’ rights or human rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, which is proposed to protect citizens against infringement of their rights by the State. This is the result of developments in constitutional law that began in 1849 with the establishment of a bicameral parliament, with human rights ensured by the Constitution. Queen Margrethe II ascended to the throne and presiding over the Council of State (BBC News, 2015). “Today Denmark has a unicameral system, a system of parliamentary government and a queen who has only formal and ceremonial functions. The Constitution has not been changed since 1953, but by way of legislation and treaties far-reaching changes have been made in the constitutional legal structure, as a result of Danish membership of the European Union since 1973” (Expat In Denmark, 2012).
Overall, Denmark is a low-context culture and is a strictly an individualist society in the business world. Danes embrace a monochronic approach, value honesty and creativity, and respect international business cultures globally. The English and Danish have a few similarities, however it is essential that language has to interconnect when doing international business with the United States, to successfully exchange business matters.