it has raised for the older teens because even though they are older they still have no experience so they are just as inexperienced than the younger teens (“Don’t Raise Driving Age”). In 2008 there were 4,054 teenager car crash related deaths (Roan). California created a program that is known as ‘the nation's strictest program’. What this program does is when teens take their driver's test they get a 12-month provisional license that prevents teens from driving between 11pm to 5am hours. If the finish 12 month provisional they get their own license. While using this program teens were not able to drive on their own until at least 16 which is a down fall the the teenagers. They were not able to drive to school or to other activities until they got their license later. I think that people shouldn’t be so against teens driving because they will need to learn sooner or later and the earlier they learn the better (“Don’t Raise Driving Age”).
Teenagers need to pick up on some responsibilities sometime and letting them drive themselves is one way. Some parents are worried about their teens driving but it would be just as dangerous as a older teen who has never drove before. No matter how old they are if they are 14 or 18 they still won't know how to drive until they are taught the correct way. I believe the driving age should not be raised because teens need to gain more responsibilities.