It was Wednesday August 3, 1977; the CIA went to court for being accused of forming a mind control research project called MKULTRA. The United States government started the MKULTRA project to teach CIA agents how to avoid the use of mind control in other countries.…
MDMA’s Journey from Molly to Medicine, written by Alfonso Serrano and published by Scientific American, analyzes a MDMA-assisted psychotherapy created by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, MAPS, that is ready for phase III trials. This is the last step before the treatment would be approved by the federal government. Phase III will test the treatment on a larger sample size, one that would be more effective of providing a significant and representative sample.…
"The LSD movement was started by the CIA," quipped Timothy Leary with a wide grin on his face. "I wouldn 't be here now without the foresight of the CIA scientists." The one-time Pied Piper of the flower children was in top form, laughing and joking with reporters, as though he hadn 't been chased halfway around the world by US narcotics police and spent the last few years in prison. "It was no accident," Leary mused. "It was all planned and scripted by the Central Intelligence, and I 'm all in favor of Central Intelligence." A jovial mood prevailed throughout much of the panel discussion. Old comrades who had not seen each other for a long time swapped tales of acid glory and reminisced about the wild and unforgettable escapades of yesteryear. "As I look at my colleagues and myself," said Richard Alpert, one of Leary 's original cohorts at Harvard University in the early 1960s, "I see we have proceeded just as we wished to, despite all conditions. I feel that what we are doing today is partly demonstrating that we are not psychotic!" Alpert went on to declare that he didn 't care if he ever took LSD again but that he appreciated what his hundreds of trips had taught him and hoped there would be a more favorable climate for serious LSD research in the near…
To satisfy the demand for clinical trials of LSD, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals began to manufacture the drug en masse. The ample supply of LSD led to widespread distribution by physicians to trial participants and, unintentionally, the general public (“History of LSD”). A black market developed, controlled by select groups of unofficial chemists who were able to synthesize the drug. Various musicians, artists, and figures of esteem took up LSD use, describing it to the population as a world-changing and mind-altering experience. Psychedelic drugs became a growing trend, even receiving the endorsement of Harvard psychologist Timothy Leary, who encouraged the youth to…
cultural movement called the "psychedelic movement." Ken Kesey and The "Merry Pranksters" believe they have a new understanding of life when high on LSD, and they…
An interesting new development is taking place in pharmacological research. Neuroscientists are picking up where they left off in 1971 and continuing their research on the psychotropic effects of psilocybin, many of which have therapeutic value. There are many ways in which psilocybin works, yet its main mechanism of action seems to be reducing activity in the amygdala via its effects on the serotonergic system. It is through this mechanism that psilocybin has the ability to improve affect, with its effects lasting months after the drug's administration. This reduces the need to take antidepressant drugs on a daily basis. However, in certain circumstances psilocybin can increase negative affect. This is due to psilocybin's ability to enhance pre-existing affect and is easily controllable in a supervised therapeutic setting. In most cases, in addition to improving…
This class fits my course of study in many ways. First, coming from a different background, this course gives me an opportunity to learn about drugs. Second, as a psychology major, I am interested to learn about the physical, social, mental effects of drugs. Third, this course meets my cluster requirement.…
Psychedelic, what are they? Where did they come from? What do they do? What are the short term and long term effects of hallucinogenic drugs. Do psychedelic show us a different perspective on the life we life we are living or does the drug just use more of our brain and we just can’t tell. Should these drugs even be taken if there going to make are the sense of self fade away.…
Throughout the years people always had the need to express their individuality, and the way its been done has constantly varied in multiple dimensions. Of course time has played a key role but it’s not been the only determinant. It seems for societal changes to occur on a prolific wave-like manner, infecting people, giving them a sense of identification with the current wave of expression. Although somewhat consistent, the unstructured nature of the act allows for individual creativity to take place and perhaps be distinguished enough to influence other people in the same circle; characters who have accomplished this throughout different waves have earned the prestigious title of trendsetters. This esteemed title however has been recently craved by so many, it has incubated the newest and most recent trend in subcultures across the globe: Hipsters. What’s curious about it, however, is that unlike massive and contagious movements in history (as with hippies), Hipsters are characterized by their unrevealed sense of identity to the subculture that surrounds him/her. Hippies on the other hand, although with similar characteristics, physical traits and beliefs, stand parallel to Hipsters in the proudly manner they self-proclaimed themselves Hippies. With this interesting note, we begin our attempt to balance these two sub-cultures with an aim to explore the births of one another, what each one stands/stood for, their do’s and don'ts, and most importantly, what sort of benefits to society have brought the kind of personalities these subcultures have given birth to.…
When the era of the sixties is brought up, the one thing that everyone thinks of is the era of drugs and revolutions. The topic of drugs is a very complicated one, drugs are not something that has recently sprung up. They have been around in every shape and form for centuries. In particular in the nineteen fifties and nineteen sixties, drugs like Lysergic Acid Diethylamide knew just as acid were being introduced to Americans. The 1960s was a time for revolutions, and drugs played a major role in this. New ways to consume and use drugs were created as people were forced to secretly buy and use them. The most intriguing part is how many scientists and psychologists were involved in the process of bringing LSD into the spotlight. The main purpose of…
Methamphetamine is a drug that has been around or decades. Stated by, begging in 1887 meth, which was not called meth yet, was used developed a cure for diseases by Lazar Edelen from Germany. Around 1893 Methamphetamine was synthesized by a chemist the name of Nagayoshi Nagi. Years Later in 1919 a Japanese chemist Akira Ogata turned meth into a crystallized form giving it the named crystal meth. Ogata was able to do this by reduction of ephedrine using iodine. When they first invented methamphetamine it did not have a use. Nor a particular medical condition disease by the 1920's they started trying the drug everything from depression to the common cold. One of the earliest uses of methamphetamine occurred during world…
Methamphetamine is a very powerful and addicting narcotic. Though it is a Scheduled 2 narcotic; it is readily availability on the streets for a considerably cheap price. An addiction to methamphetamine can totally disassociate a person from his or her everyday life.…
One general model of hallucinations is the ‘neurophysiological dissociation’ theory proposed by Marrazzi (1962, as cited in Slade 1976). He found that LSD produced inhibition of the association areas without affecting the primary visual cortex. He proposed that hallucinogenic drugs have their effect by producing a functional dissociation between the…
The CIA just wanted to study what their reactions would be. This LSD and other drugs were used without the test subjects…
The past few years have seen scientist investigate the use of LSD as a way to treat mental disorders. Anxiety, depression and PTSD can all be treated from taking acid. Until now, no study has been able to capture what LSD is really doing to the brains of its users. That…