Lilly was born on September 26, 1988 in Canada. She called herself “Superwoman” after the comic book character, because that nickname made her feel powerful, and like she could get through anything life threw at her. Her dream was to become an actress and rapper. She knew that a regular …show more content…
office job would notwouldn’t be a good fit for her. When Lilly started attending college, she became very unhappy. She fell into a deep depression that led to extreme thoughts of suicide. This lasted for several months, until she woke up and told herself “You are going to be happy.” She forced herself to do things that made her feel better and set goals that would lead to success. This led to her starting a YouTube channel which soon became full of comedy and motivational videos. She is a very positive person who surrounds herself with bright colors and glitter. This is all to keep her feeling positive and less-stressed.She is insanely successful, and has become eventually becoming a millionaire through the process of uploading videos that made her happy. She has toured all over the world, is friends with Paris Jackson and Selena Gomez, has released music videos, appeared on multiple talk shows, has over twelve 12 million subscribers with the total views on her videos being over two billion, and has truly made every dream of her youth come true, by becoming an actress in box-office hits. (Draw My Life l Superwoman; June, 27th, 2017).
Sometimes life feels pointless.
Goals have nothaven’t been achieved, there is no motivation, and it feels as if all of humanity's biggest dreams have been eaten by the monster of doubt. Everyone feels this way sometimes, and watching others succeed at becoming the person they wanted to be can help with these feelings of worthlessness and displacement. Everyone wants to have all of their dreams come true, or at least possess the belief that what they want is possible. Watching someone dig their way out of depression and succeed is inspiring for those dealing with similar issues. Even if somebody’s dreams do notdon’t include becoming what society claims to be “successful”, becoming who a person who wants to be successful is important for all of humanity's happiness. When someone becomeshas become successful, that person is in a position to help or step all over others. Lilly chose the former, by becoming an advocate for people without voices, and helping others through the most powerful outlet of reaching others today:, social media. She has a very successful campaign where she sells bracelets to donate money toward girls’ education in underprivileged areas. She is an inspiration that people of all ages can look up to;, she is humble and actually assists others, instead of hoarding all of her money to herself or just wasting all of her new resources on her own interests. Her brand of humor might not be for everyone, but her brand of inspiration can help reach the entire world
and if people watch her videos, they might be able to achieve their own dreams. Even if they were notweren’t born into success, everyone can create their own version of it. Anybody, with a little hard work and perseverance, can sew their own capes just like Lilly has.