June 9, 2012
Professor: Daudi Langat
Lupus: Is It Hereditary?
In the past, immune diseases have affected many people. Some immune diseases are classified as chronic inflammatory diseases which affect various parts in the body. Lupus, a mild disease, affects only a few organs. It’s also known as a “women’s disease” even though some men are also affected by this sickness. Modern medicine is providing information on Lupus through scientific research that is being conducted to find ways to prevent and cure Lupus. People with different types of Lupus are often searching for different treatments and hoping for a cure to be found.
History of Lupus
In the early 20th century, most physicians thought Lupus was a skin disease. Lupus got its name because patients looked like they had been bitten or scratched by wolves. In Latin the word Lupus means “wolf”. Over the centuries Lupus has had many names like “the great imitator” because this disease mimics other diseases or “women’s disease” because Lupus affects mostly women. Lupus does occur 10 to 15 times more in adult females than among adult males (Cause). With all the ongoing research to find a cause for Lupus, researchers can’t find a reason why Lupus occurs. Some researchers believe there is not one specific cause but, there are probably multiple factors. Several different single genes increase the risk for Lupus by increasing the body’s ability to make antibodies. The most common ages for the onset of Lupus are between 18 and 55, even though this disease can occur before or after these ages. Most people believe that this disease only occurs in women but men also get this sickness. A ration of men to women who get this sickness is about 1 to 13 (Lupus).
A Description of Lupus
Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood and kidneys. More the 16,000 Americans develop Lupus each year. It is estimated that 500,000 to
References: Aladjem, Henrietta The Challenges of Lupus: Insights and Hopes Garden City Park, New York Avery Publishing Group, 1999. Avery Publishing Group, 1998. Lupus Foundation of American Inc