He had to leave his loving wife and go out on the seas, see new things that he had never seen before and adventure to lands afar. Odysseus on his journey started out by going to many places out at sea. For example he went to a land where there were people known as the Lotus Eaters who ate a flower that caused them to never want to leave. He went to Calypso's island where he was very tempted to stay but had to leave to continue his adventure. One of the places he went however, was the Cyclops island. On this island he made many mistakes. He wanted to explore to much and was rash. One of the things that he learned was thinking on his feet. The Cyclops that was living on the island had Odysseus and his men trapped in a cave where he was going to eat them. Odysseus was able to poke the cyclops in the eye and ride under the bellies of the sheep that the cyclops kept right out of the cave. This quick thinking saved him and his crew. Odysseus learned that sometimes you need to think things through and not act rashley. This lesson that Odysseus learned from the cyclopes island was one that he used when he got back home. Part of his journey was seeing the blind prophet Tiresias and listening to his instructions. This skill of listening was used when he got back home to find his house filled with suitors. Part of Odysseus’s instructions was to make the men atone in blood which he did after he devised a well thought out plan, something that he learned after the trial with the cyclops. His journey shaped him, his journey made him a better leader, and his journey helped him get to his wife once
He had to leave his loving wife and go out on the seas, see new things that he had never seen before and adventure to lands afar. Odysseus on his journey started out by going to many places out at sea. For example he went to a land where there were people known as the Lotus Eaters who ate a flower that caused them to never want to leave. He went to Calypso's island where he was very tempted to stay but had to leave to continue his adventure. One of the places he went however, was the Cyclops island. On this island he made many mistakes. He wanted to explore to much and was rash. One of the things that he learned was thinking on his feet. The Cyclops that was living on the island had Odysseus and his men trapped in a cave where he was going to eat them. Odysseus was able to poke the cyclops in the eye and ride under the bellies of the sheep that the cyclops kept right out of the cave. This quick thinking saved him and his crew. Odysseus learned that sometimes you need to think things through and not act rashley. This lesson that Odysseus learned from the cyclopes island was one that he used when he got back home. Part of his journey was seeing the blind prophet Tiresias and listening to his instructions. This skill of listening was used when he got back home to find his house filled with suitors. Part of Odysseus’s instructions was to make the men atone in blood which he did after he devised a well thought out plan, something that he learned after the trial with the cyclops. His journey shaped him, his journey made him a better leader, and his journey helped him get to his wife once