The minority ideas will most often be oppressed by the majority in a democratic system. In the federalist paper madion say :
There are …show more content…
If those option are foreseeable to person with a half mind than as American we should support a large government. Because a large government is the only thing stopping the majority faction from taking hold and surgical dismantling people way of life.
Madison living in a time period when where he is surrounded by rebellion. Madison was able to see what a person of the statute of Daniel Shey could do so he want to prevent this in the future. The way Madison wanted to prevent this in the future so he had pushed for federal government to have more power. If a rebellion like Shey would ever happen again a strong Federal government would be able to step in and control the situation and put down insurrection. In the Federalist paper Madion write:
Who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion or of adversed to the right of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the