Mahatma Gandhi, who was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Kathiawar, India. Gandhi stayed in India until he decided to travel to England in 1888 to get his Law degree. In 1893 Gandhi traveled to South Africa to pursue a job as a barrister, where he experienced the extent of discrimination towards Indians in South Africa .Gandhi was traveling to the Transvaal province of South Africa by train where he was asked to move back to the third-class car even though he had a first class ticket. Gandhi refusing to make the change was thrown off the train. After being thrown off the train he had to make a decision whether to head back to India or stay and fight for the rights of Indians in South Africa. It was after witnessing the unfair treatment of Indians that…
There have been many individuals throughout history that have left an indelible impact on their people and the world, but few could rival the difference that Mohandas Gandhi made. Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in the British Common Wealth of India. He spent his youth witnessing the injustices that the English purveyed on the Indian people; something that eventually helped him to decide to become a barrister. Shortly after passing the bar, Gandhi was offered a case in South Africa that would require him to live in that country for about 1 year and he readily accepted. Once arriving in South Africa, he almost immediately experienced the prejudice that Indians living there had been enduring. The turning point for him came when he purchased a first class train ticket but was asked to move to the 3rd class coach, simply because he was Indian. When he quietly refused, he was physically thrown from the train. It was at that point that he decided to stay in South Africa to fight discrimination and what had been planned as a 1 year stay turned into 20 years. During that time he created, taught and practiced the concept of satyagraha, a non-violent way of protesting against injustices. (Rosenberg, n.d.) Gandhi believed that freedom could not be taken but must be given willingly and that this concept helped both the oppressor and the oppressed recognize the humanity in each other. The idea of satyagraha would be used by many great civil rights leaders as a way to advance their causes. Because of this, it remains Gahndhi’s greatest contribution to political change.…
During his train ride to a city called Pretoria, a white man denied his presence in the first-class section of the train, even though Gandhi had a ticket. Gandhi refused to move to the back of the train and was thrown off the train at the station. “He vowed that night to ‘try, if possible, to root out the disease and suffer hardships in the process,” ( From that point on, Gandhi would grow to be a powerful force for civil…
Mohandas Gandhi was a lawyer who practiced in colonial South Africa and eventually led a nonviolent revolution for Indian independence. Gandhi was taught from birth to value all life as holy and respect all religions. The British controlled India for 200 years and Gandhi resented the British influence on his country, and wanted people to live freely. Although Gandhi could have chosen other methods to achieve Indian independence, his nonviolent civil disobedience, willingness to be incarcerated, and not viewing Britain as an enemy, led to an India independent from British rule.…
Although it resulted in thousands of Indian supporters being thrown in jail including Gandhi himself, in January of 1931, the government yielded. “Gandhi was released from custody in January 1931 and began negotiations with Lord Irwin aimed at ending the satyagraha campaign. A truce subsequently was declared, which was formalized in the Gandhi-Irwin pact that was signed on March 5” (Pletcher). This was a major victory for Indian independence and Gandhi would not stop until India was a free country. The victory was short lived as “Gandhi returned to India to find himself imprisoned once again in January 1932 during a crackdown by India’s new viceroy, Lord Willingdon”(Bio). Later that year, an imprisoned Gandhi once again showed the impact of non violent protest when he “embarked on a six-day fast to protest the British decision to segregate the ‘untouchables’ those on the lowest rung of India’s caste system, by allotting them separate electorates” (Bio). The public outcry forced the British to amend the proposal In 1934, Gandhi announced his retirement from politics, in order to concentrate his efforts on working within rural communities. This didn't last long as he was quickly Drawn back into the political fray by the outbreak of World War One. Gandhi quickly took control of the INC, and went right back to work demanding a British withdrawal from India in…
As he was “fighting” freedom for his country from the British Empire, India was struggling with the discrimination that they own caste system infringed over the ones denominated “untouchables”, which showed Gandhi and his movement as a double standard revolution.…
Ghandi was an important leader in India during its independent movement, he influenced people spiritually and politically. He thought himself as the subject of discrimination as an Indian in South Africa. For example, when he used a first class train ticket, a white passenger in first class complained about Ghandi being there and a railway worker tried to get him to move to third class. Ghandi refused to move and got kicked off the train. After that, he started to organize Indians in South Africa to protest on discrimination. When Ghandi returned to India he joined the National Congress, a politicial group that wanted autonomy from Great Britain. Ghandi used methods of disobedience, boycotts and fasts to defend human rights. In the early 1900s…
Mohandas Gandhi was born in 1869, in Porbandar, India. His father taught his son respect for all religions. His mother taught him that all living things are holy. Following custom, Gandhi married at age 13; his wife, Kasturbai, was even younger. At age 19 he went to London to study law, and at age 22 Gandhi completed his studies. He now felt more than ever that the English, who had ruled India for almost two centuries, were law-abiding and fair. Hopes high, he sailed for…
Like Thoreau, Gandhi was ,“...heavily influenced by the Hinduism and Jainism of his devoutly religious mother [who believed in] ... non-violence, vegetarianism, fasting for purification, and respect for all religions.” In 1888, Gandhi was sent to South Africa where he, “… became an outspoken critic of South Africa’s discrimination policies.” There he was arrested and imprisoned for not cooperating with laws he thought were unjust. While serving his time in jail, he came upon Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience” essay and took a form of satyagraha, or devotion to truth by non-violently refusing to act in any form of injustice.…
He had demanded the release of the British rule over India. It was because of the discrepancies between India and the British that Gandhi decided to started the "Quit India Movement." It was through this that many people stood up to stop colonialism on India. Mahatma worked hard to enhance the status of the lower class people in society. He was a leader in trying for political independence(Hartman). His first campaign was called the satyagraha campaign. This campaign was built on the foundation of non-violent protest. The goal of this movement was to end a law requiring Indians living in Transvaal to get fingerprints. Their goal was met and Gandhi continued to push other protests and organizing resistances to his cause. After all of his works done in South Africa, he took what he had learned to India. There he continued to express his feeling toward the discrimination of his people. It wasn't too soon until his fight for Indian Independence had spread and people saw him as a hero(Mohandas). As you can see Gandhi worked as a very successful political leader doing anything in his power to do what was right. Gandhi, although claiming he was only an average man, had seemed to be more than that doing things people of little faith had doubted could be done. Gandhi makes these claims in his quote saying, "I claim to be no more than an average man with less than average abilities. I…
Right after his studies in London, Gandhi experienced a rude awakening when he got thrown off a train, while traveling across South Africa. He had refused to give up his first class seat and move to the third class where all of the coloured people were forced to ride. Immediately after the train episode, Gandhi organized his first protest in which he burned passes that Indians were required to carry at all times in South Africa. Although his first protest was not well received, Gandhi had received enough newspaper attention that his second protest involved a larger crowd. At this second protest, which addressed new laws that set Indians apart as second class citizens that had few rights, Gandhi replied to violent threats, coming from the…
Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi, known as Mahatma , or ‘Great Soul’ was a successful leader who managed to cause major political change in countries that experienced an abundance of racial discrimination and cultural inferiority .The two most significantly effected countries that experienced direct positive empowerment because of Mahatma Ghandi were South Africa and India. Reason for Ghandi’s immense success with each goal he set was his strong self belief, resilience, persistence and determination. Apart from these characteristics allowing Ghandi to achieve his goals, they made him an exceptional example of an effective leader. In South Africa Mahatma Ghandi fought for Indian civil rights, his success resulted in the reformation of the anti- Indian Legislation, by South African Officials. Throughout the history of South Africa racial discrimination was always prevalent among society. Native Africans, Indians and Asians were constantly subject to racial injustices, particularly from the 1800’s to 1959. Examples of this are evident throughout the legislations and laws that were directed at Indians; Indians; -Could only freely migrate to South Africa as indentured Labourers (labourers on contract) - They had none of the rights of full citizenship - Were not allowed to own property or land - Were only granted temporary residence -Forced to pay of sum of £3 if they were ex-indentured Indians that failed to reindenture or chose to return to India after their labour contracts were completed . - Had to live in government allocated areas for ‘sanitation’ purposes - Were the only race that had to complete a educational, health, age and means test in order to gain admission into the country with the exclusion of Indian indentured labourers. (this purpose of this test was to stop further immigration of ‘free Indians’ (Indians that came to South Africa not indentured)…
Mohandas Gandhi launched a policy of nonviolent noncooperation against the British following the Massacre at Amritsar in 1919 (Boss, 2012). He used his moral outrage guided by reason to effect change in the cultural norms of India and ultimately helped India gain independence in 1947. Gandhi’s efforts have greatly impacted social and political reform, and have influenced later civil rights movements.…
Gandhi used Ahimsa, non-violence to help the Indian people obtain a better lifestyle and to teach others that there were other, better options than physical fighting. To practice this he created a method called Satyagraha based on the principles of courage, non-violence, and truth. With Satyagraha the way people choose to behave is more significant that what they may achieve. It was used by Gandhi and…
Gandhi left India in 1888 to travel to London, England, and then, in 1893, left to go to the Colony of Natal in South Africa. While in South Africa, Gandhi was thrown off of a train in the city of Pietermaritzburg after he refused to move from first-class. The very next day Gandhi protested and was allowed in first class. Later he was beaten by the driver of a stagecoach for refusing to make room for another passenger. Another incident while he was there involved the Durban court. Gandhi was ordered to remove his turban, but he refused to do so. All of these events Gandhi was victimized by showed him the cruelty of social injustice and he decided that he was going to make a change. While Gandhi was still there, he tried to aid the Indians in opposing a bill that would…