The Mallard duck Doesn’t just live in one region all year round in the winter they go south, and in the summer they go north.Basically ducks only have two seasons all year round, fall and summer. Ducks live in places that are usually wet. Ponds, streams,lakes and lagoons are some examples. They could also live in swamp forests. Also they live in different regions around the world like Alaska,China, regions of Australia, and the Caribbean. Mallard Ducks live in nests, They …show more content…
have to live in nests to lay their eggs. Mallard ducks problems with their habitat would be trees getting cut and water pollution.Mallard ducks fly in flocks. They fly in a V, so when you look up into the sky you see ducks flying in a V. Mallards fly south in the winter to find warm weather then one winter is over they fly back.
Mother mallard's lay eight to twelve eggs between March and July.
Soon after hatching the ducklings will soon leave. Ducks can fly within two months of their birth. Their lifespan are between 10-15 years.Mallards shed through the summer and gain feathers during the winter. When a duckling is hatched it is yellow by the face, and black on the back. The ducklings legs and bill are black too.Male mallard ducks are called drakes, they have a green head, with a white ring around his neck, Their chest is a rich brown color. Females are brown and are very dull in color compared to the mallard. Mallard ducks are mostly found in the northern hemisphere.Now what Mallard ducks eat, they mostly insects like, Beetles,flies,lepidopterans,dragon flies, and caddisflies. Worms and other plants also are what they eat.Mallards are called dabbling(surface feeding)ducks because they eat their food by tipping their head underwater for food. Their feet and tail are in the air. They also look for food on land
Mallard ducks are very interesting ducks keep reading to find out some facts that make them intriguing. Mallard females are known for the sound of a quack, males have a rasping noise.Mallard ducks are 2-3 pounds,they can fly up to 47 miles per hour, and are 31.8-38.5 inches long. Scientists think these ducks will never be endangered, hunters may hunt them, but the humans think they are too pretty to kill most of them. Ducks are an invasive species which means that they are non-native to a place and cause harm to the new place. Them moving north in the winter would cause this to happen.
I hope you learned something while reading my paper. I chose mallard ducks because they are very interesting and important. They are also very pretty and peaceful animals. The mallard duck is intriguing because of how it lives, how it survives, and how it has been impacted by humans. Thank you for reading my paper.