Man VS. Women
Since the begging of time man has been getting into trouble or women have directly lead to their down fall. While comparing the two I found that there are a lot more similarities than differences. Men and woman share the same feelings they just show and express them in different ways. For example men will hold them in until we absolutely have too. Women on the other hand will share their feeling at the drop of a dime. There is nothing more dreadful to men than those four words that women say when they have stuff to talk about “We need to talk”. Those means Men have to stop what they are doing and actually listen to women talk. Don’t get me wrong I’m not insensitive, sometimes women have important to say. However most of the time it’s about stuff the we just don’t care about, unfortunately we have to pretend that we do . Women are so complex they respond well to the simple things that men do for them. Women are very emotional people, everything seems worse than it really is with them. While not all women are this way but it seems the majority of them are. They can be very open and want to express their feelings and emotions. There is something about women they have a very strong influence on men and may cause men to act irrationally or rationally depending on the quality of woman. Women can be volatile and malicious people if they chose to be. Women can lead to a lot of things for example every man that has ever accomplished something usually had a great woman that helped them get there. Women are usually more mature and responsible than men, they can be a voice of reason to men and inspire them to change themselves for the better. Men are so simple they may seem complex men are very easy to please. I believe that men are just as sensitive as their female counter parts; in fact they may even be more sensitive. Men share all of the same emotions as women they just tend to internalized them and keep them