You need to identify and communicate organisational vision and develop a unified sense of direction. You will need to conduct an environmental scanning/analysis. Identify short a long term goals and make sure they are realistic and achievable. You would need to develop with relevant personnel strategies and plans for goal achievement as well as financial plans. These plans would need to be communicated to stakeholders and then implement these plans. During this process you must set appropriate KRA’s and KPI’s and track, monitor and evaluate the procedure.
When allocating work, the competencies and availability of staff must be considered so that work is allotted to those who are best equipped to do it. You must consider employee experience, skills, knowledge, understandings and workloads. You must consider checking their understanding and give support and opportunities to ask questions. When allocating work the goals and objectives must be clearly defined so that employees can put them into action plans and achieve these goals. Managers and leaders must take into consideration, the interests of the staff members, their availability and the likely outcomes of involving specific employees. You must also consider resource management. When planning work and allocating tasks to employees and employee groups teams efficiency, productivity, cost management and outcomes must all be considered. When allocating work and drawing up plans you must consider a project plan as it shows a description of what is to be done, when and by whom and what funds are available. It covers the