TM always has the priority when there is a new project provided by government. A good example is that Telekom Malaysia has been chosen by the government as its partners to embark on the High Speed Broadband (HSBB) project. This project didn’t go through an open tender process. Hence, other industry players didn’t have any chance to get a ride into the project. The government has awarded Telekom Malaysia Bhd subsidy of RM2.4billion for the project. The government limits the level of playing field for foreign players in the industry.
In March 2010, TM finally announced the launch of High Speed Broadband (HSBB). Telekom Malaysia has named its bundled triple play (broadband, IPTV and voice calls) as UniFi. High-Speed broadband project has brought positively impact to Malaysia’s economy. HSBB offers many benefits for consumers, SMEs (small and medium enterprises) and SOHOs (small office or home office). This will potentially allow better collaboration among businesses locally and globally, as well as improve productivity and overall quality of service on the Internet. It is expected to have a high multiplier effect for businesses, allowing for easier and more efficient collaboration that will drive productivity levels higher and enhance revenue generation.
As a leading responsible corporate brand, TM’s Corporate Responsibilities (CR) initiatives have long cultivated a culture of good governance and accountability, ensuring consistently strong performance to stakeholders, building customer loyalty as well as attracting and retaining talent. TM firmly believes that CR contributes towards building lasting goodwill as well as trust in the TM brand.
In education, in line with nation’s strive towards human capital development, TM has been playing a major role in contributing to the country’s socio-economic development goals through a variety of platforms which include Yayasan Telekom Malaysia (YTM), training and staff
Bibliography: 3G Americas. (2005, July). Convergence: An Outlook on Device, Service, Network and Technology Trends. Retrieved October 5, 2010, from http://www.3gamericas.org/documents/convergence_july2005.pdf Cisco Systens, Inc Datamonitor. (2010). Telekom Malaysia. Retrieved October 5, 2010, from www.datamonitor.com Kumar, A Loong, R. (2006). Malaysia. Retrieved October 5, 2010, from Getting the Deal Through – telecoms and media 2006: http://www.acl-int.com/uploads/01150818151TelecomsandMediaRegulationinMalaysia.pdf Rahman, A Telekom Malaysia. (n.d.). About TM: Corporate Responsibility. Retrieved May 20, 2010, from Telekom Malaysia Telekom Malaysia. (2009). Annual Report. Retrieved October 5, 2010 Thailand Infrastructure Annual Report Zita, K. (n.d.). Malaysia Telecom Brief. Retrieved October 5, 2010, from Network Dynamic Associates LLC: http://www.ndaventures.com/Malaysia_Telecom_Brief.pdf ZTE Corporation [ 2 ]. [ (Kumar, 2010) ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ]. [ (Loong, 2006) ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ]. [ (Cisco Systens, Inc., 2005) ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ]. [ (3G Americas, 2005) ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ]. [ (Rahman, 2005) ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ]. [ (Datamonitor, 2010) ]