In this text book, Mintzberg has stated the Mangement roles. According to Mintzberg, Interpersonal roles, Informational roles and Decisional roles are important to managers. Mintzberg detailly discuss about Interpersonal roles, which included Figure head, Leadership and Liaison. Mintzberg also provide example which can Indentify the activities of interpersonal roles. This text book is related to my reseach topic as it provide a lot of information on interpersonal roles.
David Lamond, Henry Mintzberg vs Henri Fayol : Of Lighthouses, Cubists and the Emperor's New Clothes Page 5 to 23. The journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 2003, Vol.8, No.4
This article mainly discuss about the Mintzberg' management roles and Fayol management methods. The author describe and compare the two Management theories form Mintzberg and Fayal. It also discuss about the interpersonal roles ,which included Figure head, Leadership and Liaison, and also the application of these roles in real manager works. this article is helpful to my research topic as it provide a lot of details and example of the interpersonal roles which can lead me to further understanding about the function of interpersonal roles.
Mintzberg, Henry. (1975). The Manager’ Job: Folklore and Fact. Harvard Business Review, 53(4),49-61.
According to the journal article, Mintzberg has discussed about the three main categories of manager’s roles, which are interpersonal roles, decisional roles and informational roles. Mintzberg also compare his management roles with Fayol's management and apply these theory into the actual manager’s jobs. Base on this article, we can understand further more about the interpersonal roles of Mintzberg as he briefly explain the function figurehead role, leader role and liaison role. This article is helpful to my research topic as the article explains about