Standards for managers new in post in adult social care, including those managing their own support workers 2012 ‘Refreshed’ web edition, with guidance and certificate
we help employers to manage their workforces
Introduction Core standards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Governance and accountability Systems and processes to promote communication Partnership working and relationships Using person-centred practice to achieve positive outcomes Team leadership and management Managing resources Equality, diversity and inclusion Safeguarding and protection 5 8 9 10 12 14 16 17 1
Optional standards 9 10 11 12 Certificate References Personal development Change and growth Managing business Ensuring quality 18 20 21 22 23 24
Manager Induction Standards — Refreshed 2012 web edition
Published by Skills for Care, West Gate, 6 Grace St, Leeds LS1 2RP © Skills for Care 2012 Ref no. DS030 Copies from this work may be made for non-commercial distribution to aid social care workforce development. Any other copying requires the permission of Skills for Care. Skills for Care is the employer-led strategic body for workforce development in social care for adults in England. It is part of the sector skills council, Skills for Care and Development. Bibliographic reference data for Harvard-style author/date referencing system: Short reference: Skills for Care [or SfC] 2012 Long reference: Skills for Care, Manager Induction Standards — Refreshed 2012 web edition (Leeds, 2012) Skills for Care is grateful to all the organisations that have contributed to the ‘refresh’ of the Manager Induction Standards.
The Skills for Care adult social care Manager Induction Standards (MIS) were launched in 2008 and have been widely used in a great variety of ways. However, times are changing rapidly in social care and it is important that these standards remain fit for purpose. The launch of the new
References: CQC 2010 DH 2010 Care Quality Commission, Essential Standards of Quality and Safety (2010), uk/sites/default/files/media/documents/gac_-_dec_2011_update.pdf Dep’t of Health, A vision for adult social care: Capable communities and active citizens (Nov 2010) DH_121508 National Skills Academy for Social Care, Outstanding Leadership in Social Care (London, 2011) care.pdf Skills for Care, Providing Effective Supervision (Leeds 2007) developing_skills/leadership_and_management/providing_effective_supervision.aspx Skills for Care, Common Induction Standards, 2010 ‘Refreshed’ edition (Leeds 2010) http://www. standards.aspx Skills for Care, Capable Confident and Skilled, a workforce development strategy for people working, supporting and caring in adult social care (Leeds, 2011), workforce_strategy/workforcedevelopmentstrategy/workforce_development_strategy.aspx Skills for Care, Learning to live with risk / Keeping risk person-centred (Leeds 2011), http://www. Skills for Care & Skills for Health, Common Core Principles to Support Self Care (Leeds 2008), Think Local, Act Personal Partnership, information leaflet 2011, http://www.thinklocalactpersonal. ADASS W.Mids, Joint Improvement Partnership, NHS W.Mids, A positive approach to risk and personalisation: a framework, Personalisation/TLAP/Risk_personalisation_framework_West_Midlands.pdf NSA 2011 SfC 2007 SfC 2010 SfC 2011a SfC 2011b SfC/SfH 2008 TLAP 2011 W.Mids 2011 Skills for Care West Gate 6 Grace Street Leeds LS1 2RP telephone 0113 245 1716 fax 0113 243 6417 email web © Skills for Care 2012 SfC ref: DS030 Manager induction standards, 2012 ‘Refreshed’ edition 25