Efficiency: doing the right thing right. Getting work done with minimum of effort, expense or waste.
Example: using slides rather than whiteboard to reduce time wasted
Effectiveness: doing the right thing. Accomplishing tasks that help fulfill the organizational objectives.
Example: train the employees to give a satisfaction service to the customer
Workers at monash college are highly motivated and are taking short breaks and carrying works home to be more productive.
carrying works home and taking short breaks are efficient since its reduce time wasted on fulfilling organizational objectives, and by that its increasing effectiveness.
by being motivated by organizational objectives, then effectiveness leads to a greater efficiency as they are motivated to reduce time wasted
2. Define one management function and one management skill. Give an example which demonstrates the skill and function defined above. Explain the relationship between the skill and the function.
Management Functions (POLC)
Planning : determining organizational goals and a means for achieving them. Example: set SMART goals
Organizing : deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and who will work for whom.
Example: make job description for employees so that they will understand more about their responsibilities and position
Leading : inspiring and motivating people to work hard to achieve organizational goals
Example: communicating with employees and make them feel engaged and motivated
Controlling: monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed.
Example: compare the actual performance with the goals that have been set and take corrective actions if needed.
Management Skills technical skills : ability to apply the specialized procedures techniques and knowledge