According to (Peak 2007) administration is management and supervision; it takes both in order to organize a group of people working toward a common goal. Administration in order to be considered good has to be able to build a relationship with the group that focuses on the best way to get the job done that works best for everyone. Management and supervision is only good if it can motivate the employees. This paper will focus on three types of management styles Scientific Management, Human Relations Management, and Systems Management. The first to be discussed is Scientific Management. Fredrick W. Taylor known as the father of scientific management his style was to change the way the task was done in order to make the job simply. This was done by training the worker to do a specific job in the best way .Taylor wanted to improve the amount of work an individual could do without getting tired. This was done by selecting people physically fit for heavy jobs or best suited for other jobs. His philosophy was that simple task could be planned in a way that would increase productivity. He used a stop watch to time the workers at a given task this study was called time and motion. In this study he used a sequence of movement to determine the best way to perform the job. He would check out how fast workers could perform a certain job before becoming tired then he would group them together. He found out not all workers were suited for the same job therefore they should be trained and place in jobs they were suited for in order to improve
According to (Peak 2007) administration is management and supervision; it takes both in order to organize a group of people working toward a common goal. Administration in order to be considered good has to be able to build a relationship with the group that focuses on the best way to get the job done that works best for everyone. Management and supervision is only good if it can motivate the employees. This paper will focus on three types of management styles Scientific Management, Human Relations Management, and Systems Management. The first to be discussed is Scientific Management. Fredrick W. Taylor known as the father of scientific management his style was to change the way the task was done in order to make the job simply. This was done by training the worker to do a specific job in the best way .Taylor wanted to improve the amount of work an individual could do without getting tired. This was done by selecting people physically fit for heavy jobs or best suited for other jobs. His philosophy was that simple task could be planned in a way that would increase productivity. He used a stop watch to time the workers at a given task this study was called time and motion. In this study he used a sequence of movement to determine the best way to perform the job. He would check out how fast workers could perform a certain job before becoming tired then he would group them together. He found out not all workers were suited for the same job therefore they should be trained and place in jobs they were suited for in order to improve