On October 20th, 2011 I had the opportunity to interview Mrs. Thuan Mccular in Texas Woman’s University, Denton Texas. Mrs. Thuan Mccular is the Information Technology Service Manager of Texas Woman’s University, Denton Texas. Her major duties and responsibilities are to ensure that, the university technical support service is very effective and more so, she manage employee’s relations matters and salary administration of her department. Mrs. Mccular is from Vietnam and her goal for coming to United State of America is to further her education. She arrived to United State of American in 1982 to further her study in University of Wisconsin Stout, Wisconsin. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in computer science at the University of Wisconsin Stout in 1985. She works for the same university between 1983 to 1999. Mrs. Thuan Mccular stays in Wisconsin for 20 years before she joined Texas Woman’s University In year 2000 as the university informational technology service manager. At that time, the university was very little according to her; she told me that they were just seven in numbers within the department. Basically, their major duties then are to work on the technical support services of the university.
Mrs. Mccular pointed out the definition of a leaderships as the process by which a person to use his or her skills or knowledge to direct or influence other people to accomplished a common goal or set mission and she describe her leadership style as a person that like to participate effectively with her team, whenever project is going on or during a working hour. She made mentioned to me that she like to get involved with her team during a project so that she can understand the difficulties her team have to go true, in other for her to know how to direct them for proper execution of that project. Mrs. Mccular doesn’t like to command people to work all the