Table of Content
Introduction Page 4
Theory Page 6
Analysis Page 8
Conclusion Page 11
References Page 13
There must be hundreds of millions companies in the world. Either they are small family businesses ,or small local shops ,or big national firms, or international corporations, either they are new players in the market or they have already been established as a brand, either they are successful or not, they all have something in common, they are ‘driven’ by someone who is in charge and makes the decisions.
Who is this someone, what are his skills and talents and why is he capable of such a position? The term manager is broadly used for the person who is at the top of the hierarchy inside a company, but is not the only term. Entrepreneur is another term that we are using to describe the one who leads his company through the highly competitive field of business.
Ever since the research of economics existed , the factors that distinguish the companies to profitable and non profitable have played a great role in the analysis of how efficient those companies were, in order to understand how can someone imitate a successful strategy and what are they variables that will affect his decision. At some point the researchers turn to the human factor and to how a single person can affect the course of a company. That person at most times was the leader of the company, either known as the manager or by having the entrepreneurial spirit to guide his firm.
Among the numerous companies of the world we can find both managers and entrepreneurs who are responsible for theirs company success or failure also. But we are going to analyse those who are successful so that we can understand what is the recipe for being successful in the business world and what type of skills must someone have,
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