Learning Team “A”
Managing Change Part II: Walmart Stores Inc.
At times, organizations tend to take on one’s own culture and in doing so, they face different challenges and changes. For Wal-Mart to compete, stay competitive, and adapt, the organization has to change. Wal-Mart employees must understand how change can be beneficial to the organizational, and to them as well. Implementing change allows the organization grow, meet customer needs, and challenge employees to improve one’s skills. Change is imperative for Wal-Mart to remain relevant.
The Definition and Importance of Shared Vision A shared vision is a picture or creation of what a company should be in the eye of management, employees, shareholders, and in some respects, the customer. With a shared vision one has a common destination and a common picture. One then works together as a team, supporting and encouraging each other. There is no competition between people; therefore there is no need to pass the blame or hide one’s failures (Breezotoo, 2014). The importance of everyone within sharing company vision is creating a bond between management and hourly employees encouraging thoughts, ideas, and working balance to a common goal and unity. Without shared vision, a company is only a business with wayward direction with no direct path to follow resulting in office politics, intercompany competition, unethical behaviors, and negative morale.
Walmart’s Shared Vision The vision culture of Wal-Mart created by Sam Walton better known as Mr. Sam, is still the foundation and vision of how management and hourly associates conduct business every day. Although Mr. Sam has been gone since 1992, his legacy lives on in the hearts of Wal-Mart employees. Through the years the slogan the company’s slogan changed a few times, from “Always Low Prices” with the familiar smiley face, to “Everyday low Prices”, to the newest slogan sharing the vision
References: Barbara Farten, Company Mission Statements – Complete List of World’s Largest Retail Mission,http://retailindustry.about.com/od/retailbestpractices/ig/Company-MissionStatements/Wal-Mart-Mission-Statement.htm, 2014 Breezotoo (Graeme Nochol Arcturus advisors), What is Shared Vision? http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/21558/leadership/what_is_a_shared_vision.html http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_94.htm http://www.mondaq.com/x/140370/Operational+Performance+Management/Implementing+A+Strategic+Plan+Successfully Managing Organization Change a multiple perspective approach by Palmer, Duncan and Akin Latta, G. F. (2009, August). A Process Model of Organizational Change in Cultural Context (OC 3 Model). Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 16(1), 1-19. Retrieved from http://www.juconicomparte.org/recursos/A%20Process%20Model%20of%20Org%20Change%20in%20Cutural%20Context_prR7.pdf Organizational Culture. (2014). In Business Dictionary. Retrieved from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/organizational-culture.html Palmer. A., Dunford, R., Akin, G., (2006), Managing Organizational Change: a multiple Perspectives approach. McGra-Hill/Irwin., New York, NY The History of Walmart. Retrieved from http://corporate.walmart.com/our-story/history/ Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.. (2014). . Retrieved from http://corporate.walmart.com/our-story/working-at-walmart/culture