The appropriate methods of data / information gathering that I suggest are used in order to gather the data / information identified in part 1b) are as follows: Qualitative research can answer certain important questions more effectively and efficiently than quantitative research. The advantage that qualitative research have is that it allows more diversity in responses as well as the capacity to adapt to new developments or issues during the research process itself. While qualitative research can be time-consuming to conduct and expensive, many fields of research employ qualitative techniques that have been specifically developed to provide cost-efficient ad timely results. Qualitative researchers may use different approaches in collecting data, such as shadowing. Forms of the qualitative data collected can include group discussions and interviews, observation, various texts, pictures and other materials. Quantitative data provides information
Bibliography: Books Armstrong, M (2005) (9th Edition) A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice Kogan Page, London Beardwell, I. et al, (2004) (4th Edition) Human Resource Management a Contemporary Approach Prentice Hall, Harlow. Blackwood T, (1995) Accounting for Business Business education Publishers Limited, Sunderland