Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is defined as a system that organization can distinguishes the other organization and also share the meaning held by members. It’s provides employees with a clearer understanding of “the way things are done around here” (Divedi, 1995). All the aspects of organizational life are the cultural dimension. Cultural issues receive little specific attention, even in those organizations. It is also showing how was the person in an enterprise will feel, think, act and value. Organizational culture is guided by ideas, meanings and beliefs of a cultural (socially shared) nature. There is no unique corporate culture and it doesn’t lower the implication whether managers think that culture is too soft or too complicated to bother about (Alvesson, 2012). A greater synergy is comes from a strong culture. It can bring people together. People can know more friends and know each other if they have opportunity to communicate. Besides, a strong culture engages people and it will create greater productivity and it will also impact the profitability. The organizational culture is very important because the culture is deciding how the employees can interact at their workplace, which a healthy culture can make them loyal towards the management and it can be more motivated. In addition, the good organizational culture also promoting the healthy relationship amongst the employee. Managers can more understanding their subordinates and it can help to improve the performance if having a good relationship with them. Organizational culture also can build a positive image of the company among its employees as well as the society. There is also having some issues in organizational culture. There are some issues that include some of the employees has the poor communication with people and also ambiguity. These issues will make the employees working under unpleasant workplace. Besides, it will make some employees less loyal to the
References: Alvesson, M. (2012). Understanding Organizational Culture. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Divedi, R. K. (1995). Organizational Culture And Performance. New Delhi: M.D. Publications Pvt. Ltd. Fleet, D. D., & Griffin, R. W. (2006). Dysfunctional organization culture. The role of leadership in motivating dysfunctional work behaviors, 698-708. Gupta, V. (2011). High performance organizations. Cultural basis of high performance organizations, 221-240.