K. Vincent
CTAC 124-019
October 28, 2014
Marijuana in Colorado
I. Introduction
A. Colorado has made history, being the first state to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. And the results are more than anyone could have expected.
B. The legalization of Marijuana in Colorado has affected the state as a whole.
C. Main Points figure 1
1. Crime has dramatically gone down.
2. The economy has received a boost.
3. The effect of the legalization of marijuana on the number of users.
II. Body
A. Crime has dramatically gone down
1. Crime has gone down since 2013.
a. 14.6% decrease in crime from last year. Property crime is down 14.6%. Violent crime is down 2.4% (Brinkerhoff)
b. Homicides went down from 17 to 8 (a 53% drop), automobile break-ins from 2,317 to 1,477 (down 36%) and sexual assaults from 110 to 95 (down 14%). Property crime is down 14.6% compared to the same period in 2013. Violent crimes are down 2.4%. (Arson is up 109% from the same period, but represents just 23 of 3,757 crimes. Overall, violent and property crimes dropped more than 10% from last year to this year.
2. Fewer than 900 marijuana-related citations and arrests in the first half of 2014
a. This puts the state on track to adjudicate fewer than 3,000 marijuana-related cases in 2014, according to Way, who added that it’s a step in the right direction, since about 5,000 citations were issued in 2013. (Rucke)
3. Law enforcement savings/ Judicial savings
a. Saving the state potentially $10-$40 million
B. The economy has received a boost.
1. Colorado’s marijuana industry has generated around $25 million in state taxes and fees (Denver Business Journal) figure3
2. Has become the third highest tax income behind cigarettes and chewing tobacco, followed by beer and wine. Figure 4
3. There are around 2,000 marijuana business licenses in the state.
a. Employing around 10,000 people. (Lopez)
C. The effect on the amount of users
1. 26.81% of college students are considered
Cited: Brinkerhoff, Noel, Violent Crime Down Since Colorado Legalized Marijuana. Lopez, German, Legal Marijuana Has Created Thousands of Jobs in Colorado. Rucke, Katie, How Has Marijuana Legalization Treated Colorado? Sullman, Jacob, How Is Marijuana Legalization Going? The Price Of Pot Peace Looks Like A Bargain.