Class Participation (10 points, points awarded up to one decimal place)
Participation (10 points): Your TA will take attendance during every discussion session. Your TA will grade you based on the extent and quality of your participation in discussion sections. Because your performance on this component is strongly correlated with your attendance (i.e., students who attend discussions are more likely to get a higher score), we encourage you to attend every discussion session.
Group Project (30 points, points awarded up to one decimal place)
Your TA and another TA will grade your final project submission. The grading scheme is given below. Points for each criterion will be given up to one decimal place. Criterion | Your TA (20 points) | Other TA(10 points) | Breadth and Depth of Analysis of the Current Marketing Strategy (including ad) for chosen Product/Brand. * Is the current marketing strategy (4Ps) and 3Cs well described and analyzed? * Are the current weaknesses identified compelling? | 6 | 3 | Breadth and Depth of Analysis of the Proposed Marketing Strategy for chosen Product/Brand. * Is the proposed marketing strategy feasible (i.e., benefits outweigh costs, no legal impediments, customer backlash, potential limitations)? * Is the proposed marketing strategy effective given the weaknesses identified? * Is the group able to incorporate concepts learnt in class effectively? | 7 | 3.5 | Effectiveness of Video Ad * Level of creativity, originality and resourcefulness * Does the ad link up well with the objectives of the proposed marketing strategy? Does the video accompaniment demonstrate the linkage well? * Did the group display a high level of effort/commitment in producing the video? | 5 | 2.5 | Clarity of the PowerPoint slides and Notes * Do the slides and accompanying notes communicate the major points in a succinct manner? | 2 | 1 |
Peer Evaluation: Each