Marketing Research
10 sources
1. Beyond the "Like" Button: The Impact of Mere Virtual Presence on Brand Evaluations and Purchase Intentions in Social Media Settings.
Social media is being used by many fortune 500 companies today. According to the author of this source, 83% of fortune 500 companies use social media to connect with consumers. Survey’s say that consumers are relying on social media to learn about knew brands. Social media also let companies know if they will have future consumers.
Naylor, Rebecca Walker, Cait Poynor Lamberton, and Patricia M. West. "Beyond The "Like" Button: The Impact Of Mere Virtual Presence On Brand Evaluations And Purchase Intentions In Social Media Settings." Journal Of Marketing 76.6 (2012): 105-120. Business Source Premier. Web. 6 Feb. 2013. 2. What’s your social media strategy? Social media has changed the way we conduct business. Different social websites like face book and twitter have given marketing companies a new way to market there company. On these sites they are sharing pictures, locations, and updates. It allows businesses to take a different marketing approach. Consumers can blog, type in keywords or phrases in search engines, and share photos of items they like
Campbell, Denise. “What’s Your Social Media Strategy?”. Black enterprise; Nove2010, Vol. 31 issue4, p74-76, 3p. Academic search premier. 6 Feb. 2013
3. Your Social Media Rep: Nothing to Tweet About.
Social media marketing can be successful if it has the right strategy and the right people conducting it. Social media representatives need the right training and resources to promote the brand to do a good job marketing the company. To do a well job everyone needs training. Websites content have to stay up to date.
Simson-Bint, Jonathan. “Your SocialMedia Rep: Nothing To Tweet About.” Brandweek; 8/30/2010, Vol. 51 Issue 31, p34-34, 1p. Academic Search premier. 6 Feb. 2013
4. Is Your Consumer Using Social Media?
Social media