For this Outcome I was split into a small group of people within my class and was asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 10 minutes addressing the various elements of the marketing process and the benefits and costs of a marketing orientated business giving examples. (PowerPoint presentation attached and notes)
Overview/Reflection of Marketing Presentation
First of all, to be put in a group of individuals that I had never met or interacted with before was always going to be difficult. The process of getting to know them better and finding the strengths and weaknesses of each team member was hard at first but the more we worked on the presentation, the better we became at communicating and getting the work completed. I found working alongside international students very hard to interpret what they were saying; therefore it was increasingly difficult to get their suggestions and views on the marketing process and market orientation. However, some members of the group seemed more enthusiastic and therefore working on the presentation with them became very easy and we managed to find a lot of information (attached ‘Marketing Presentation notes’).
I felt more effort on my part and other individuals within the group could have helped the process of researching, and getting the presentation finished quicker and more efficiently. Improvements that could be made for the future would be to communicate more out of class either via email or meeting up. This would allow every member of our team to exchange work and information to eachother quickly so that we could all keep up to date on progress. When it came to deciding which order each of us would speak in class, there seemed to be a lack of enthusiasm with some individuals which created a slight unease between the group before we presented to the class our finished presentation.
Overall I felt the presentation went very well and the content we provided in the slides were very
Bibliography: Kotler, P, Armstrong, G (2010) Principles of Marketing: Thirteenth Edition. London: Pearson Education Ltd (2004) Kotler, P, Keller, K (2009). Marketing Management – 13th Edition. London: Pearson Education Ltd Websites CoriolisResearch (2004) Tesco: A Case Study in Supermarket Excellence. Available from: (10/12/10) LearnMarketing Kotler, P, Armstrong, G (2010) Principles of Marketing: Thirteenth Edition. London: Pearson Education Ltd Enviro-news