I not only learned how to work with people I am unfamiliar with, but I also learned about public speaking. This group presentation experience could be very helpful in the future. In my future career I may have to work with I have never met, and will able to do so. I will know how to get along with them, and how to delegate the work to each member at the group. This experience also taught me how to work effectively as a group and how to get the most out of your time when working in a group. Groups have to work relatively fast and be quick when choosing a topic and delegating …show more content…
I was a member of 4-H for nine years and had the opportunity to give speeches and do demonstrations. I also was a member of many clubs which required to me to speak at meetings and events. As president of both 4-H and Fellowship of Christian Athletes I spoke at many different meetings. Through FCA I was able to practice my public speaking by giving monthly devotions. This helped me to be comfortable when speaking. I did not feel like I had to read my slides because I knew material. I was not stuttering or losing my place because I had learned how to develop a proper outline. Even though I have done a lot of public speaking and was prepared I still get nervous before speaking in front of a group. I also learned speaking is just like a sport; the more the speaker practices the better they