December 09, 2009.
Suntu kumar Ghosh
Course Instructor
MKT 301 (Marketing Management)
BRAC Business School
BRAC University, Bangladesh
Subject: Submission of the Project Work on the Marketing Plan of McDonalds
Dear Sir,
With due respect, we want to state that, it was a great pleasure and honor for us to submit our project report of MKT 301 in the context of Marketing Plan of McDonalds in Bangladesh.
Basically in this report we have tried to develop different Marketing strategies, like- product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy and promotional strategy.
We are very much glad that you have given us the opportunity to prepare this assignment and hope that this project work will meet the standards of judgment. But there may be some mistakes due to various limitations. Therefore, we beg your kind consideration in this regard. Any kind of suggestion and clarification will be accepted cordially. Your kind advice will encourage us to perform better Project work in future.
Yours sincerely,
Sifat Afrin (07204009)
Tamanna Lutfa (07204012)
Sadia Afrose (07204033)
Md. Khaleduzzaman Sowrav (07204005)
To make the customers satisfied and maintain the long lasting relationship with the customers are the main things to exist in the business world successfully but to make customers satisfied is the most difficult thing for a company because almost everyday people are getting new products and that is why their expectation regarding the products become high day by day. It does not mean that we are not able to fulfill their expectations but we should always try to think about new ways to make them satisfied by knowing what they want, what they try to get from any particular product. But now a day no consumer is satisfied with only the quality product. And the scope to the organization to provide a very exceptional product is almost impossible with the