Marketing - Right Choices
| Off Campus & Assignment Handling Services Division of Information Services Nathan Campus GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY QLD 4111 | ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Open Universities Australia | Student details | Name | Gokhan Aykut | Course | B.Comm | Unit details | Unit code | MKT 103 | Unit name | Introduction To Marketing | Unit tutor | Kieth | Assessment Item details | Marketing Report | Due date | 20/02/2012 | Word count | 2500 | Extension granted | √□ No □ Yes | Extension date | | Is this a resubmission? | √□ No □ Yes | Resubmission date | | ACADEMIC INTEGRITY DECLARATION Breaches of academic integrity (cheating, plagiarism, falsification of data, collusion) seriously compromise student learning, as well as the University’s assessment of the effectiveness of that learning and the academic quality of the University’s awards. All breaches of academic integrity are taken seriously and could result in penalties including failure in the course and exclusion from the University. Students should be aware that the University uses text-matching software to safeguard the quality of student learning and that your assignment will be checked using this software. I acknowledge and agree that the examiner of this assessment item may, for the purpose of marking this assessment item: 1 reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another Griffith staff member; and/ 2 submit this assessment item to a text-matching service. This web-based service will retain a copy of this assessment item for checking the work of other students, but will not reproduce it in any form. Examiners will only award marks for work within this assignment that is your own original work. I, hereby certify that : 1 except where I have indicated, this assignment is my own work, based on my personal study and/or research. 2 I have acknowledged all materials and sources used in the preparation of this assignment whether they be books, articles, reports,
References: Source: Mobility Magazine (2011) 10 (3).
The Finnish Nokia Brand remains the world’s largest mobile phone producer; although its market share has dropped to 23.9 percent (from 28.2 percent last year), and Samsung, LG and Apple are showing strong growth. (IBT March 24 2011).
* Nearly half of Australians rank mobile phones as the innovation they value the most, more than the desktop computer to laptop and the oven to microwave. (SMH, 2011).