* Marriage is a symbol of love and a big commitment to show the person that you are willing. * Marriage is totally not a waste of time; it is a way of couples showing that they love each other and that they will make a commitment to stay with each other as long as they live. * Getting married is showing your partner that you are willing to settle down and start a family. * Marriage is very good because it means you can have a family, with kids and chances are you will be more successful in life. * Marriage is a great memory that lasts for the rest of your life. * When it deeply touched our hearts, we usually end up remembering those memory with the lover. * Marriage is the only way you can get your relationship as official and feel secure. * Marriage does have a place in society and many people want to get married, so that their relationship is recognized by law and, for those of a more religious bent, in the eyes of God. * If you want to spend the rest of your life with someone there is the option to just live as you are without getting married, but you may feel that this doesn't offer you enough security. By getting married, your relationship is confirmed by the law as actually existing. * Thus, if you end up getting divorced, you will be able to claim your share of the financial assets that have been accumulated between the pair of you. If you choose not to get married and your relationship comes to an acrimonious end, you won't have a legal foot to stand on and so you might lose out. * Marriage will provide children with a more stable background. * Because marriage relationship does at least make it easier for you to be recognized as a parent. * Successful example * The marriage of Elizabeth Ben net and Mr. Darcy as in the novel of ‘THE, Pride and Prejudice’ BY Austen. They were show the factor of marriage is a symbol of commitment of love between two