“For Gay Marriage” by Andrew Sullivan * Marriage is a legal contract between two people no matter the sexual preference of that couple. According to Sullivan, it is an outrage to deny homosexual couples the right to marry whomever they choose to.
“Against Gay Marriage” by William Bennett * Marriage is between a man and a woman; bounded by a legal document and vow. Gays getting married will ultimately corrupt the marriage world and make it to where we can marry family members, etc.
“Will Your Marriage Last?” by Aviva Patz * It doesn’t really point on what marriage is exactly, just why it is either successful or a failure.
“The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love” by Stephanie Coontz * Marriage used to be strictly for the sake of reproducing and having good reputation in the social aspects of old communities, but maybe it should be more about love than that?
“Sacred Rite or Civil Right?” by Howard Moody * Marriage is love, legal documentation is no more than a legal document and a signature. The vows are what mean the most, marry who you love.
2. What are reasons people get married?
“For Gay Marriage” by Andrew Sullivan * If you are in love with someone, and of age to know that you are in love with them, then marriage is an option.
“Against Gay Marriage” by William Bennett * People get married because they love each other if it is real, and for attention if it is gay is basically what Bennett hints around at in his article.
“Will Your Marriage Last?” by Aviva Patz * "People feel they have to find a way to get there and one way is to force it, even if it only works for the time being"
“The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love” by Stephanie Coontz * She talks about the ancient days and olden times where as “love” was the last reason that one should get married and was seem as “incompatible with divorce.” At the same time, I think she is talking negatively about that and always