“free” to love and marry whomever lawfully. Laws differ from state to state for same sex marriages. In 2003, Massachusetts became the first state to legalized same sex marriages. Ever since legalized marriage, legislatures in many states have been called to answer that same call.
So while legal issues concerning same sex marriage continue to grow. Perhaps
States that allow same sex unions grow as well. Even though the first same sex
Marriage was legalized in 2003; in 1999 The Vermont Supreme Court ruled that
Same sex couples are entitled under Chapter I Article 7, of the Vermont Constitution to same sex benefits and protection afford by Vermont law to marry opposite couples. Connecticut legalized the marriages of the same sex couples on
November 12, 2008. Connecticut became the third state after California. Although we have all of these laws; they are in direct violation of religious freedom.
Certainly people of religion view homosexuality as a great sin. Also, they feel that same sex marriage would weaken the traditional family values essential to our society; yet it does not hurt society or anyone in particular. Legalizing same sex marriages from state to state would be a huge benefit in so many ways. For example, marriage benefits such as joint ownership, medical decision-making should be available to all couples. Also, the same financial benefits that apply to man-