Marx’s plan for reforming society may be more tangible than Kuyper’s, but his plan uses rather cruel and destructive tactics. For instance, Marx believes that the family has become an instrument of oppression and should be eliminated. Marx’s plan for consolidating the family directly contradicts biblical principles and is no less than an attempt to undermine God’s authority. Marx believes the family is merely a product of the class system and not a God ordained institution. Besides Marx’s cruel elimination of the family, his plan further feeds man’s greed and selfishness. Communism’s prohibition of private property claims to produce economic equality. However, this notion seems only to further feed man unhealthy relationship with the material world and denies God his rightful place of power. Without God’s moral authority, man is left to reshape society as he sees fit but at the cost of losing all that is good. After examining Marx argument, the idea of communism does not seem to present an effective solution for resolving poverty in either Marx’s day or in the twenty-first…
Most working women and children were no longer able to keep up with the speed and efficiency of the competing textile machines. In order to provide a needed extra income to help support their families they were forced to work in cottage industries, making pins or buttons, or even finding work in the mines, dragging the mined coal from the men all the way to the storage units. The women did all of this while looking after their children and even using opium to keep their babies quiet during work hours. Yet after all of the struggles that women and children faced, there was still an undeniable discrimination of gender and age in the workplace and the salaries of men compared to women is a prime example of…
Those unfamiliar with Karl Marx, the egalitarian normative theorist insists that the “first phase of communist society the economy will distribute goods according to the norm, to each according to his labor contribution” (Arneson 56). Basically, Marx is stating that a society should satisfy its people by creating a form of equal opportunity, and yet those who cannot contribute or do not have the proper skill in contributing cannot be rewarded, thus making this type of society defective. With regards to this, Marx discarded this norm and claimed that if the communist society is attained by higher phase, then the society can eventually “move beyond the sphere of bourgeois right altogether and operate according to the norm, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” (Arneson 56). Marx’s is presenting how equality can be achieved if one is able to contribute anything according to his or her…
Karl Marx’s philosophy has been the subject of so much judgement and Scrutiny on if his beliefs will truly save the working man. The bourgeois interlocutor believe Marx’s belief would be more detrimental to the people as a whole. They believe that by wishing to abolish private property, communism will become a danger to freedom and eventual end up destroying the very base of all personal freedom, activity, and independence. Marx responds to these comments by stating that wage labor does not create any property when considering the laborers affairs. It only creates capital, a property which works only to increase the social injustice of the worker. This property called capital, is based on class antagonism. Having linked private property…
This paper will be about why communism failed originally, not because communism was ideal, but because of other factors. First, the Soviet Union never reached communism. Stalin’s regime began to take control in the 1920’s, and then Soviet Union the era of Stalinism, not communism. Communism was based upon the theory of an economic Utopia, where all wealth is shared and distributed equally, with no personal ownership. The theory, devised by Karl Marx, espouses that human greed can be eliminated by changing human nature, which can be belief that extenuating circumstances could change the basic individual characteristics.…
1. The purpose of Karl Marx’s piece is to prove the point that communism can fix the class gap that free market and bourgeoisie society has created. He proves his point that giving many examples of how communism would be the answer to stop the exploitation of workers and share the wealth, giving the people equality across the board…
Marx believes that man is naturally good, but the ownership of property has brought about aggression and selfishness. In other words, over time private property and money have corrupted man. Marx points out that throughout history, classes have existed, but were based on "feudal, patriarchal, and idyllic relations." Tradition and family relations determine a person's class. In the capitalistic society, however, only the ownership of property, the "naked self-interest cash payment," determines one's class. Marx describes the continuous conflict as an ongoing trend of class struggles. When many take a look at society they notice that with in classes there's always the oppressors and oppressed in continuous hostility towards each other. However, when this phenomenon ends it is normally a rebellious way.…
The conflict in the society is also reasoned by the effect of moderate forces. There are two groups of the conflicting forces: custom and conflict forces. The mixture of these forces defines the present pattern of our society. This way of thinking is derived from Karl Marx’s, who saw society as being split into…
For Marx, communism is an advanced form of socialism, which differs from the communist views seen in today’s world. According to Marxism, communism is a free association of free people where the private and common interest were the same. It is a community where everyone is educated to a higher level, social care is equally accessible no matter the class, and the working class owns the means of production. Communism today is seen as a dictatorship leadership in action where oppression of the people exist, and holds a negative connotation in the Western world as seen through the McCarthyism. Unfortunately, Marx has become associated with the Soviet Union’s version of communism but it is not what he had envisioned at all. The Communist Manifesto is a document which manifests the socialist movement as a change needed from the selfish orientation created by capitalism. This type of human nature is one that can be changed, and according to Marx, human nature is not static so it is susceptible to transformation. And to bring about this change, an armed revolution is needed in order to establish…
This research paper is about Vladimir Lenin’s early life, how it led him to communism, and his life as a communist. Communism is a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. Vladimir is known for his various efforts and contributions to the communist and socialist parties. One of his famous quotes is, “The goal of socialism is communism.” He was difficult to satisfy which made him a strong political leader, always pushing for what he wanted, during the Russian Revolution.…
Marx’s idea of communism has been revised and is significantly different from today’s traditional view of communism. For example, in communist countries such as North Korea and Cuba, there are distinct income differences between their governments and the citizens of these countries. Also, both could essentially be described as a dictatorship - the tyrant has total control over all economic affairs and makes decisions only benefitting himself. These implications were both things that Marx did not foresee, and were not apart of his original idea. Despite these differences, the pamphlet still has its use today.…
Karl Marx was a sociologist, economist, and author of “The Communist Manifesto,” which is still, to this day, the most famous piece of literature related to socialism written. His work laid the foundation for other leaders in communism such as Vladimir Lenin. One of the theories Karl Marx is most known for is Marxism; Marxism is, in short, a system of socialism where the prominent feature is the public ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. With capitalism, the public only own their ability to work, and then, in return, sell their own labor. Marx believes a class is defined by the relation of its members to the means of production, and that the struggle of the classes is embedded in history.…
Karl Marx longed for the day that he could wake up in the morning and see equality of class, equality of possessions, equality of living standards, equality of everything. By writing The Communist Manifesto, he established the ideology that could create his fantasy; Communism. Although his book achieved popularity and critical praise, there were those who saw flaws and ways to improve Marx’s first ideas of Communism. However, when Vladimir Lenin had the opportunity to make his dream a reality, he does not stray from Marx’s ideas of the poor mixing in with the rich, the cut-down of the rich and a bringing up of the poor, to create an equal class under a government which would provide everything based on the hard work of every individual together…
Nietzsche spoke of the “the death of God” and foresaw the dissolution of traditional religion and metaphysics. Some interpreters of Nietzsche believe he embraced a literary exploration of the human condition, while not being concerned with gaining truth and knowledge in the traditional sense of those terms. However, other interpreters of Nietzsche say that in attempting to counteract the predicted rise of nihilism, he was engaged in a positive program to reaffirm life, and so he called for a radical, naturalistic rethinking of the nature of human existence, knowledge and morality. On either interpretation, it is agreed that he suggested a plan for “becoming what one is” through the cultivation of instincts and various cognitive faculties, a plan that requires constant struggle with one’s psychological and intellectual inheritances.…
The philosopher that spoke to me the most was Nietzsche. I agreed with him on multiple points such as alcohol and religion being crutches that give us a false sense of confidence and hope. I also agreed with Nietzsche in that in order for one to be successful, they have to endure some sort of hardship or failure. Coming up with the saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is the main reason I connected with Nietzsche seeing as how that is a saying I like to live by on occasion.…