We have different reasons why we hate or like math. As of these days, 70% of the students hate math and the remaining 30% is the one who likes math. Students say they hate math for some reasons, firstly simply because they don’t understand it and they just don’t like numbers. It’s like when they see numbers their life is starting to tear down. Secondly is they are afraid to take risk on answering the problem. They are thinking that it might not be the correct answer for the problem, that’s why they were lack in self confidence to answer the existing problems. Thirdly, students hate math because of how the teachers discuss the topics and how the teachers give exams. When the discussion is going on, it is very easy for the students to understand the lessons but when it comes to examinations the teacher gives very different set of numbers that the students might not know how to solve it. That’s why the students always got low grades when it comes to exams. In addition with that students hate math because their teachers give them a lot of things to do, giving problem after problem, ditto sheets, text books, and senseless math problems. In behalf of those students who hate math, there are also those students who really like math and they have reasons for this. One is because; with math you can prove anything, there is an exact right and wrong and it’s wonderful to know that something is perfect other than partially right. Math is challenging and requires a lot of thinking that’s why, there’s a certain satisfaction when you come across a difficult problem and are able to conquer it. It’s like the mysteries of the universe are being revealed to you because of your mental capacities. Second reason is, it does require memorization, but you’re not just memorizing facts and there is often another way to figure a problem out if you forget a formula or something. You’re not just memorizing things, like i said, but instead more like
We have different reasons why we hate or like math. As of these days, 70% of the students hate math and the remaining 30% is the one who likes math. Students say they hate math for some reasons, firstly simply because they don’t understand it and they just don’t like numbers. It’s like when they see numbers their life is starting to tear down. Secondly is they are afraid to take risk on answering the problem. They are thinking that it might not be the correct answer for the problem, that’s why they were lack in self confidence to answer the existing problems. Thirdly, students hate math because of how the teachers discuss the topics and how the teachers give exams. When the discussion is going on, it is very easy for the students to understand the lessons but when it comes to examinations the teacher gives very different set of numbers that the students might not know how to solve it. That’s why the students always got low grades when it comes to exams. In addition with that students hate math because their teachers give them a lot of things to do, giving problem after problem, ditto sheets, text books, and senseless math problems. In behalf of those students who hate math, there are also those students who really like math and they have reasons for this. One is because; with math you can prove anything, there is an exact right and wrong and it’s wonderful to know that something is perfect other than partially right. Math is challenging and requires a lot of thinking that’s why, there’s a certain satisfaction when you come across a difficult problem and are able to conquer it. It’s like the mysteries of the universe are being revealed to you because of your mental capacities. Second reason is, it does require memorization, but you’re not just memorizing facts and there is often another way to figure a problem out if you forget a formula or something. You’re not just memorizing things, like i said, but instead more like