That clearly displays that Mattie would trust Ethan with her own life.
Mattie had shown that she was passionate towards Ethan since she seemed to be very comfortable around him and marked him as trustworthy. Mattie would lean towards Ethan when she is frightened. One example is when a loud noise vibrated through the forest. She had “shrank closer to Ethan, and quickened her steps” (26). This shows trust among them since Mattie had instinctively moved towards Ethan. During frightening situations, Mattie showed that she would rely on Ethan to protect her. In addition, Mattie shows that same trust in Ethan when she destroys Zeena’s pickle dish. She completely believes that he would rectify that issue even without asking him his method: “Completely reassured, she shone on him through tear-hung lashes, and his soul swelled with pride as he saw how his tone subdued her. She did not even ask what he had done” (47). These reasons of trust and comfort had led to Mattie’s overall passion towards