Oppiminen kulutuskäyttäytymisessä
Learning in Consumer Behaviour
Joonas Asikainen Nicolas Martinez
ABSTRACT Authors: Joonas Asikainen and Nicolas Martinez Title: Learning in Consumer Behaviour Department: Department of Industrial Management Year: 2010 Location: Lappeenranta
Bachelor‟s Thesis. Lappeenranta University of Technology. 47 pages, 3 figures and 6 appendixes Examiner: Seppo Pitkänen Keywords: Learning, Consumer learning, Consumer behaviour The objective of this bachelor‟s thesis is to present a description of consumer learning theories as well as practical applications related to consumer behaviour and advertisement.
There are two major streams of thought in learning theories. Some say that learning is purely behavioural, i.e. it is a consequence of repetition, and thus they treat the individual as a black box which receives a stimulus and gives certain behaviour as output. Others are convinced that learning is, no matter what, a cognitive process; even to the simplest of its form the individual always process information to solve his or her problems. But in practice both theories are needed to explain the learning phenomenon as learning is a mixture of repetition and cognitive processes.
This work shows how marketers successfully apply these two theories in their advertisement with the purpose of positioning their brand and products in the market vis-à-vis their competitors.
TIIVISTELMÄ Tekijät: Joonas Asikainen ja Nicolas Martinez Työn nimi: Oppiminen kulutuskäyttäytymisessä Osasto: Tuotantotalous Vuosi: 2010 Paikka: Lappeenranta
Kandidaatintyö. Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto. 47 sivua, 3 kuviota ja 6 liitettä Tarkastaja: Seppo Pitkänen Hakusanat: Oppiminen, kuluttajan oppiminen, kulutuskäyttäytyminen Tämän kandidaatintyön tavoitteena on esittää kuvaus kulutusoppimisen teorioista ja tämän lisäksi
References: Schiffman, L., Lazar, L., Hansen, H. 2008b. Consumer Behaviour, a European Outlook. First edition in the UK. Harlow, Pearson Education Limited. 493 p. Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S. 1999. Consumer Behaviour, a European Perspective. Fourth edition. New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 589 p.