It was Nine O’clock, Pedro Juanito and his family had just arrived at their new house located in Woodgrove, California. As soon as they got in the driveway everyone began to feel relieved after eight hours of flying and driving from Mexico. Before Pop could turn the engine off everyone opened their doors and ran inside to see how astonishing their new house was. Everyone except Pedro was excited because Pedro had just got used to life in Mexico and he didn’t want to move. After everyone looked around and assigned rooms, everyone went to bed for school and work except Pedro, he just sat there wandering what his new school would be like and if people would like him. After around 30 minutes of thinking Pedro finally got tired and went to sleep…
One night we were at Emili Lewis’s house. A few of us girls wanted to try to stay up all night. It had been raining so we decided we wanted to go for a drive. This point of the night it was like 1:30 a.m. We drove for a little while before we got bored. We decided to brainstorm some ideas of stuff to do. We decided we wanted to go out to Box Canyon in Kaitlin’s truck to look at the stars. It took us a little while to get everything put together. We finally started heading out there at 3:00 a.m. On the way out there we passed a truck. The truck was very short, matte black, and had a circle light bar in between the headlights. None of us recognized the truck and we got a little nervous. We decided to ignore it and keep going. For the rest of the drive we talked about boys, problems, and then we started talking about scary stuff. When we got out there we were too scared to get out of the truck, so we turned around and started back into town. We got…
It was Tuesday, March first, 2011, my mother woke me up so I can start getting ready for school. I rose with eager anticipation, just four more days until my thirteenth birthday and I just couldn’t wait. I brushed my teeth and hurried down to eat the complimentary breakfast offered to us by the hotel we were staying at. You see we had been staying at a hotel for the past five months because the home we had been renting was foreclosed on so the utility companies turned off the power and the electricity. We had to get down at just the right time so that there was a small crowd but a lot of food so that we can take food back to the room to save for dinner. After breakfast, we…
One sunny, hot day I was outside in my backyard playing with my friend Annabel who lived across the street from me. Then all the sudden I heard a scream that sounded like it came from my brother. I dashed out to find Morgan with a water gun pointed at my brother. I yelled at her not to shoot multiple times but she ignored me and soaked my brother. He quickly burst into tears as the water sprayed on him. I yelled at Morgan “I told you not to shoot!”. Then I took my brother by the hand and we walked back to my house to figure out how to get Morgan back.…
It was august 4th 2014 i went to bed at 8:00 that day “My’shea” i heard in a loud voice and it was my mother she had wake me up early. and when I woke up I made me some pancakes with my dad and my sisters, then I got cleaned up, then we went to holland michigan to get my aunt and husband and kids. We went to the airport in detroit michigan and we flu the rest of the to san diego. When we landed in san diego we saw a skyscraper and it was so big that we saw it from the airport, but next to the skyscraper was a place called a kids fun zone,…
I had seen what could quite possibly be the most amusing sight in my whole life this afternoon. As I had watched through my "spy hole" as I liked to call it, two young boys were standing a ways down the street with a little girl running towards them with a tire. "I'm first!" the little girl had proclaimed. I had wondered what they were up to but thankfully I didn't have to wait long. The little girl folded herself into the tire. The eldest of the boys went behind the tire and pushed it! I couldn't believe my eyes? They had just rolled the poor girl down a hill in a tire! After a moment I had realized that they were simply playing a game! I had watched silently, as the two boys ran down the hill as fast as they could, without gravity making them fall, after the girl in the tire. I had continued watching with my eyes wide as she eventually fell out into my yard. Her small body had lain on the ground for a couple of minutes, and I had thought in that split second that those fools had seriously hurt her, but she had quickly shaken off any pain or confusion she had, what with the boys yelling at her like they were. "Scout, get away from there, come on!" The panic in his voice had scared me somewhat; I had never experienced that type of caring before. The girl – Scout – had rolled her head to the side, and raised it ever so slightly, and had looked straight towards the house I reside in currently. Her eyes had gone wide as saucers while her mouth had formed an 'O' shape. It had been rude of me, but I had smirked at her expression. "Come on, Scout, don't just lie there!" The oldest boy had screamed. "Get up, can'tcha?"Scout had risen to her feet as quickly as she could; trembling violently as she navigated her way from the yard. "Get the tire!" The same boy had yelled. "Bring it with you! Ain't you got any sense at all?" I had felt sorry for her, but I couldn't help myself. It had been so long since I had felt like that and that instinctual need to let my…
I awoke to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes groggily and saw my dad. Today we were supposed to go on our week long hunting trip today. I sat up and rolled out of bed. I fell onto the floor and moaned.…
Once upon a time some kids lived in a small town with a very small school. The school is in the middle of nowhere and the nearest town was a mile away. There is a gravel road that runs in front of the school, and when you drive further down the gravel road there are houses scattered among the corn fields and wide open spaces. The kids who attended this small school would walk from their homes on the gravel road or ride the bus. Everyone knew each other since the town was so small. At that small school there was a teacher that was not like any other teacher most kids did not know him since he lived two towns over. His name was Mr. Molar who had a walrus mustache and had hair straggling around his face with…
It had been a crazy morning as I ran all over my house trying to find my jacket and boots. My mom had been admitted into the hospital that morning for a massive headache and all I could think about was whether or not she would be okay. I took her to the emergency room that day before so going to class was the last thing on my mind. My father and sister had agreed to stay with her till I ended class so I was more at ease knowing she wouldn’t be alone. After running all over my house looking for my things I quickly gathered myself to make my train. I finally got to Penn Station with four minutes to spare. I quickly walked to where the rest of my class was as we waited for instructions to where we would…
The next day as Scotty walked to school with his friend while sharing a bag of chips, wondering what his buddy had gotten him for his special day. Then as he suddenly stepped off the curb and was hit by a car. Around a hundred feet later the car stopped and the driver looked back and saw Scotty get up and then sped away. His friend asked him if he was all right and he said that he was and then proceeded to go back home. As he laid there on the couch telling his mother what had happen his suddenly feel into a deep sleep.…
Crisp, golden light creeped out from behind my curtains into my bedroom on a cool Fall morning, rising me up from my sleep. Once I had gotten myself dressed, I shuffled downstairs to my kitchen and poured myself some life cereal and milk. As soon as I had finished the rest of my daily routine that got me ready for school, my mom drove me and my sister off to Finley Farms, which was the school we attended. The school day went by as usual and slinked away, but after a few subjects my class, along with the other 5th graders, were led by our teachers downstairs to a room where we were greeted by a woman who told us she was Mrs.Sopeland. The fifth graders all sat down in a semi-circle formation and waited for the rest of the 5th grade classes.…
It was a typical first day of school. Rushing to get ready, finding the perfect outfit, cliche first-day-of-school pictures. When I got to school, everything was normal. Life was good. But, in a weird class I had called “Creative Learning”, we were given an assignment. It wasn’t a normal assignment. We had to write a horror story, and we were…
It was a sunny day and my mom finally let my older sister and I go to Six Flags alone. Little did I know, we weren’t going to make it to Six Flags at all? When I got on the CTT Bus I couldn’t wait- it would be my first time on the goliath. “Last stop everyone off” yelled the bus driver. When I got off I mentioned to my sister “This does not look like Six Flags” “I think we missed our stop and we are lost “she answered. I started to look for any thing I noticed. But all I saw was two large buildings and lots of people.…
Life was going good for me, I was about to enter into high school. I was looking forward to doing high school sports and to compete at a higher level. But one day that all went down hill. October 14th 2011 was my last football game i played my freshman year. I was tackled and landed in an odd position, in doing so i broke my ankle. This was just the start of my misery in high school. After i got off of breaking my ankle on February 4th 2012 i ended up tearing my meniscus in a wrestling match. This was the last straw. I ended up getting surgery and was told most likely i would be done playing sports due to the risk of re-injury of the municuse. meniscus is a thin fibrous cartilage between the surfaces of some joints, e.g., the knee.…
The alarm clock went “ding….ding… ding.” I woke pretending I couldn’t hear it, because I didn’t want to get up. My mom was yelling at my sister and me, “Get up girls it’s time to go school.” I didn’t understand why she was so excited. I miserably dragged myself out of bed; I just wanted to crawl and hide and the blanket. It was a cold day in March 1999, I was fourteen years old, and it was my first day of school in America.…